
6th Grade Homework:

Safety Homework:

Students need to answer the 10 questions about safety in the classroom with complete sentences. Students need to fill in completely the heading for full credit.

A link to this assignment can be found at the bottom of this page.

"Article of the Quarter"...go to this link: https://sites.google.com/a/egcsd.org/cirincionejo/articles

Word of the Week:

There will be 10 words total and students need to find the definition to each and record their answers in their notebooks. Answers need to be complete sentences. A list of the current words can be found here: Word of the Week (link)

Part of the students notebook.

7th Grade Homework:


Logo Design ***Due December 19th***

Commercial Ad. ***

Pringles Container ***

Safety Homework:

Students need to answer the 10 questions about safety in the classroom with complete sentences. Students need to fill in completely the heading for full credit.

A link to this assignment can be found at the bottom of this page.

"Article of the Quarter"...go to this link: https://sites.google.com/a/egcsd.org/cirincionejo/articles

Word of the Week:

There will be 10 words total and students need to find the definition to each and record their answers in their notebooks. Answers need to be complete sentences. A list of the current words can be found here: Word of the Week (link)

Part of the students notebook.