Wellbeing Support

Parenting Help for Lockdown and Homeschooling - You’re going to love this!!

This interview comes from The Resilient Child Summit with guest speaker Dr Laura Markham -one of America’s leading Psychologists from Ahaparenting.com

It has lots of tips, strategies and tools to help parents understand, navigate and support their emotional world as well as their children’s emotional world during these tough times.

So grab a cuppa, pen and paper and enjoy listening and learning from the expert! (I know I did!)

All the best


School Chaplaincy Program


My name is Ali and I'm the CPS Chaplain and would love the opportunity to support families through this crazy time, both parents and children if you need it. (I know I need someone to talk to when times are tough!)

I am making my mobile number available for the days I normally work at CPS, which is Monday and Wednesday 8.30-4.30pm.

Ph: 0438 129 139

I can help with emotional support, relationship issues, anxieties, sleep issues and behavioural support.

Consent Form

If you havn't signed a permission form which is government regulation, I'm happy to have your verbal consent on the first phone call and access an electronic copy below which can be signed and emailed or sent back to the school office at clarinda.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au or brought back to school when school eventually goes back.

If I don't answer because I am busy on another call, please leave your name and phone number and I will return your call as soon as I can. Calls will have a limit of 15-20 mins.

I have added some resources below to help you through this time. You could even use this time to seek out your own well being websites/resources that can help both parents and kids alike. I wonder what you will find?? And when you find a good one, please let me know!! You could even get the kids to make their own wellbeing posters for around the house. One of my favorites is:

Before you speak







Useful links:

Apps to Use:

All the very best to you and your families and working together, we will get through this and come out the other side...WELL beings!!


New COVID-19 Medicare items, available from 13 March 2020, allow vulnerable/isolated clients to access bulk-billed psychological services delivered via telehealth (i.e., videoconference) or phone.

These items form part of the 10 services allowed per year under the Better Access to mental health care initiative and allow clients who meet the Government's COVID-19 eligibility criteria to receive services via telehealth and phone. The eligibility criteria is outlined below.

As from 30 March 2020, the majority of Australian health funds have agreed to provide coverage for teleconsultations provided by psychologists, from Monday 30 March, during the COVID-19 outbreak.

This is subject to the following conditions:

  • The patient is undergoing an existing course of treatment, and has seen the psychologist providing the teleconsultation over the past six months, or

  • For new patients, the telepsychology service has been recommended by their general practitioner, and

  • The service is delivered before 30 September 2020, and

  • The service is undertaken in accordance with Australian Psychological Society guidelines.