Character Education

Buzz Bucks All staff members are encouraged to hand out Buzz Bucks to students who demonstrate positive behavior.  Teachers may reward students for demonstrating this behavior in the bus lanes, in the hallways, during lunch/recess, and in the classroom.  Students write their name on the Buzz Bucks and turn the in their homeroom’s “Buzz Bank”.  Buzz Bucks are randomly drawn and students may be rewarded after being selected.  The Buzz Bucks are also collected in grade level and school-wide bins.  Students select an incentive and work to fill the bins in order to earn a school-wide reward.  Please pay attention to school calendars for upcoming spirit days rewarding our students for their hard work!

Buzzworthy Student Recognition ProgramThe East Greenwich Township Schools participates in the Buzzworthy Student Recognition Program. One boy and one girl per grade level are recognized for exemplifying each of our character traits throughout the school year at our school board meetings, on the district website and in school correspondence.

Character Dare Choice Boards : Character Dare Choice Boards will be distributed for each of our Buzzworthy traits.  Families, students and staff will be challenged to complete as many of the dares on the choice board for each character trait.  Color in or cross out the boxes as you complete the dares.  Individuals that complete the choice board will be recognized for their good character.  Our first one highlights ACCEPTANCE.  It will be due on October 5, 2022.  Teachers will submit them to the main office when they are turned in.

Sanford Harmony

Meet up Buddy Up: Students partner together to complete different discussion topics, games and challenges. Can be done daily 5-10 minutes. 

Lessons: Each grade level has four units of study that include games, read alouds and activities for students. 

Research Connections: Each unit is tied to research-based practices for the topic. In the research connections sections of the units you can read more about the science behind the lessons

Home & School Connection: Letters are provided for parents for each unit so they can reinforce the learning students are doing at home.  Sanford Harmony also provides a FREE online account for parents to access material to use at home. 

BTSN- EG Harmony Slides