DOGS Handicapping
The DOGS will adopt a modified version of the current Golf Australia handicapping system which allows for handicaps to be adjusted for course slope ratings. The fundamental intent of the handicapping system remains unchanged in that it aims to give everybody a chance at winning by boosting the handicaps of those at the bottom and cutting the handicaps of those at the top. All DOGS will start the 2017 season with their current DOGS handicap but starting with the first round of the season individual handicaps will be determined and adjusted as follows:
1. All players will have a Daily Handicap which will be adjusted for the Slope of the course being played. The calculation is as follows:
[Daily Hcap] = [Current Hcap] x Slope ÷ 113
Note that the calculation is TRUNCATED to one decimal place and then ROUNDED to derive an integer Daily Handicap.
As an example, a player with a Current Handicap of 13 playing at a course with a slope rating of 126 will play off 13 x 126 ÷ 113 = 14.495. Truncated = 14.4 and Rounded = 14
2. Any player who wins money on the day will have their handicap adjusted downwards relative to the next nearest score that did not win any money. That is, for rounds where only first place money is awarded then winning score in a grade will be adjusted relative to second place, and for rounds where first and second prizes are awarded the adjustment will be relative to third place in the grade. The basic principle is that prize winners will have their handicaps cut. The points difference will be multiplied by a scaling factor which is their Current Handicap divided by 27, and the result will be deducted from their Current Handicap. A couple of worked examples appear below:
3. Player with scores in the bottom half of the field will have one stroke added to their Current Handicaps. The Player(s) with the lowest score for the day will get a bonus stroke added to their Current Handicaps.