Here are our most recent publications listed by year.


Bowe, B., Nevin, E., Carthy, D., Seery, N. and Sorby, S. (2016). National Spatial Skills Project - Preliminary Findings of Phase One. CREATE Dublin Institute of Technology (Contributions to Research in Engineering and Applied Technology Education) 2016.

Duffy, G. Sorby, S, Bowe, B. (2016). Visualizing Electric Circuits: The Role of Spatial Visualization Skills in Electrical Engineering, 70th EDGD Mid year Conference, Daytona Beach Shores, Florida January 24-26, 2016.


Beagon, U. Niall, D. (2015) Where There is no Engineer ’Using a problem Based Project to Develop Graduate Attributes in First Year Engineering Students, 43rd Annual SEFI Conference, Orléans, France

Beagon, U. Burke, T. Chance, S. Farrell, F. & McGrory, J. (2015) Using Theory to Improve Design Instruction in a New Common First-Year Programme for Engineers, 43rd Annual SEFI Conference, Orléans, France

Beagon, U. & Holmes, N. (2015). An Investigation into the use of Problem Based Learning to Develop Graduate Attributes in Irish Engineering Undergraduate Education. Research In Engineering Education Symposium, Dublin, July 2015.

Conlon, E. (2015) “Engineering Ethics: Ontology and Politics”, Research In Engineering Education Symposium, Dublin, July 2015.

Conlon, E. (2015) “A Critical Realist Approach to Engineering Ethics” IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society, Dublin, 11 - 12 November 2015.

Nicolaou, I. and Conlon, E. (2015) What do programme chairs think about the integration of SD in their programmes?Engineering Education for Sustainable Development Conference 2015, Vancouver, Canada, June 2015.

Nicolaou, I., Conlon, E. and Bowe. B. (2015) “Exploring programme chairs’ understanding of the integration of sustainable development: an issue of professional identity?” Research In Engineering Education Symposium, Dublin, July 2015.

Murphy, M., Chance, S. and Conlon, E. (2015) Designing the Identities of Engineers in Christensen et. al., Engineering Identities, Epistemologies and Values: Engineering Education and Practice in Context, Volume II. Springer

Farrell, S. Behan, A. Duffy, G. Harding, R. Howard, R. Mac Raighne, A. Nevin, E. & Bowe, B. (2015). A Profile of the Spatial Visualisation Abilities of First Year Engineering and Science Students, The 6th Research in Engineering Education Symposium, 13-15 July, Dublin: Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland.

Duffy, G. Farrell, S. Harding, R. Behan, A. Mac Raighne, A. Howard, R. Nevin, E. & Bowe, B. (2015). The Effect of Spatial Skills and Spatial Skills Training on Academic Performance in STEM Education, The 6th Research in Engineering Education Symposium, 13-15 July, Dublin: Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland.

Mac Raighne, A. Behan, A. Duffy, G. Farrell, S. Harding, R. Howard, R. Nevin, E. and Bowe, B. (2015). Examining the Relationship Between Physics Students' Spatial

Skills and Conceptual Understanding of Newtonian Mechanics, The 6th Research in Engineering Education Symposium, 13-15 July, Dublin: Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland.

Nevin, E. Behan, A. Duffy, G. Farrell, S. Harding, R. Howard, R. Mac Raighne, A. & Bowe, B. (2015). Assessing the Validity and Reliability of Dichotomous Test Results using Item Response Theory on a Group of First Year Engineering Students, The 6th Research in Engineering Education Symposium, 13-15 July, Dublin: Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland.

Duffy, G. & O'Dwyer, A. (2015). Measurement of First Year Engineering Students Cognitive Activities using a Spatial Skills Test and an Electrical Concepts Test: Implications for Curriculum Design, The 6th Research in Engineering Education Symposium, 13-15 July, Dublin, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland


Chari, D., Howard, R. and Bowe, B. (2014), Hermeneutic phenomenological analysis of researchers’ lived experiences of nanotechnology research. American Association of Physics Teachers, winter meeting, 4-8 Jan, 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA

Bates, E. (2014). College Is Where The Real Learning Happens: Perceptions From Irish Craft Apprentices Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 7 (3), 419-429.

Bates, E. Hinch, P. (2014). Enhancing Graduate Attributes Utilising Social Media. EDULEARN14 Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.July 7-9, 2014, Barcelona, Spain.

Beagon, U & Holmes, N. (2014). The Role of Model Making as a Constructivist Learning Tool to Enhance Deep Learning in a Building Technology Module, Irish Journal of Academic Practice 3 (1), 11

Chance, S. M. (2014).Bringing It All Together Through Group Learning, New Directions for Higher Education, (165), 107-119.

Chance, S. M. & Conlon, E. (2014).Designing the identities of engineers. In S. H. Christensen, C. Didier, A. Jamison, M. Meganck, C. Mitcham, B. Newberry (Eds.). Engineering in Context: Engineering Identities, Values, and Epistemologies. Springer

Chance, S. M. (2014).Generating knowledge through group learning.In P. Eddy (Ed.). Connecting Learning Across the Institution. New Directions for Higher Education.

Chance, S., Duffy, G. & Bowe, B. (2014), A Phenomenological Study of Learning Groups as a Mechanism for Transforming an Engineering Education Program, accepted for publication, Special Issue, Journal of Engineering Education.

Llorens, M. Nevin, E. Mageean, E. (2014).Online Resource Platform for Mathematics Education, 2014 IEEE Frontiers of Education Conference, Madrid, Spain.

Llorens, M. Nevin, E. Mageean, E. (2014).The Development of an online resource as a means to increase student engagement and retention, ISEE 2014 5th International Symposium of Engineering Education, University of Manchester, England.

Nevin, E., Mageean, E., and Llorens, M. (2014).The Development of an online resource platform for mathematics education as a means to increase student engagement and retention.In ISEE 2014, Proceedings 5th International Symposium for Engineering Education (pp. 13-21). 11-12 September 2014. Manchester, England

Duffy, G., & Bowe, B. (2014). An analysis of consistency in, and between, ontology, epistemology and philosophical perspective as contained studies of the first year experience. Paper presented at the Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2014 IEEE.

Sorby, S., Nevin, E., Behan, A., Mageean, E. and Sheridan, S. (2014). Spatial Skills as Predictors of Success in First-year Engineering.In Proceedings 44th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, pp. 111-117.Madrid, Spain, October22-25.

Sorby, S., Nevin, E., Mageean, E., Sheridan, S. and Behan, A. (2014).Initial Investigations into Spatial Skills as Predictors of Success in First-year STEM Programmes.SEFI 2014 42nd Annual Conference European Society for Engineering Education.Birmingham, UK, September14-19.

Nevin, E., Mageean, E., and Llorens, M. (2014).The Development of an online resource platform for mathematics education as a means to increase student engagement and retention.In ISEE 2014, Proceedings 5th International Symposium for Engineering Education (pp. 13-21). Manchester, UK, September 11-12.

Llorens-Salvador, M., Nevin, E., and Mageean, E. (2014). Work in Progress: Online Resource Platform for Mathematics Education. 9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems & Technologies (CISTI’2014). Barcelona, Spain, June 18-21.


Carr, M., Murphy, E., Bowe, B., Ni Fhloinn E., (2013), Addressing Continuing Mathematical Deficiencies with Advanced Mathematical Diagnostic Testing, Teaching Mathematics and its Applications 32 (2), 66-75

Carr, M., Ni Fhloinn E., Bowe, B. (2013), Core Skills Assessment to Improve Mathematical Competency, European Journal of Engineering Education, 38 (6), 608-619

Sloan, A., Bowe, B. (2013), Phenomenology and Hermeneutic Phenomenology: the philosophy, the methodologies, and using hermeneutic phenomenology to investigate lecturers’ experiences of curriculum design, Quality & Quantity International Journal of Methodology, 1-13, online

Bowe, B. (2013), The Relationship between conceptions of teaching and learning and perceptions of Problem-based Learning. Proceedings of the 4th International Research Symposium on Problem-Based Learning, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Chance, S. M., Duffy, G., Bowe, B., Murphy, M., & Duggan, T. (2013), A model for transforming engineering education through group learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland, 5th.-6th. September 2013.

Chance, S. M., Murphy, M. Duffy, G., & Bowe, B. (2013).Using architecture pedagogy to enhance engineering education.Proceedings of the 4th International Research Symposium on Problem-Based Learning. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Chance, S. M., Duffy, G., Bowe, B., & Murphy, M. (2013).Learning from learning groups.Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). Leuven, Belgium.

Duffy, G., Burke, T., Chance, S. M., Bowe, B., Howard, R. (2013). Student experiences of a Project-Based Learning module. Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). Leuven, Belgium.

Chance, S. M., Eddy, P. L., Duffy, G., Bowe, B., & Harvey, J. (2013).Policies that enhance learning and teaching.Proceedings of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology; International Conference on Higher Education. Paris, France.

Sheridan, D., Carr, M., Bowe, B., Bucciarelli, L., (2013) “introducing Independent Thinking and Project Skills to First Year Engineering Students”, Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). Leuven, Belgium.

Malmi, L., de Graaff, E., Kinnunen, P., Adawi, T., Duffy, G., Williams, B., et al. (2013). Methodological analysis of SEFI EER papers. Paper presented at the The 41th Conference of the International-Group for the European Society for Engineering Education.

Chance, S. M. Duffy, G. Bowe, B. Murphy, M. & Duggan, T. (2013).A model for transforming engineering education through group learning.Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. Dublin, Ireland.

Burke, T. Berry, D. & Chance, S. M. (2013).Reaching new audiences through “RoboSlam!” workshops.Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). Leuven, Belgium.

Chance, S. M. Eddy, P. L. Duffy, G. Bowe, B. & Harvey, J. (2013).Policies that enhance learning and teaching.Proceedings of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology; International Conference on Higher Education. Paris, France.

Conlon, E. (2013) Broadening engineering education: Bringing the community in. Science and Engineering Ethics 19(4): 1589-1594.

Nicolaou, I. and Conlon, E. (2013) The Integration of sustainable development competencies in Irish Engineering Education: Findings of a curriculum content investigation of four engineering programmes. Conference Paper: Engineering Education for Sustainable Development 2013, Cambridge, September 2013.


Duffy, G., Chance, S. M., & Bowe, B. (2012).Improving engineering students’ design skills in a project-based learning course by addressing epistemological issues. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 40th SEFI Annual Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Chari, D. Howard, R. & Bowe, B. (2012). Postgraduate researchers’ experiences of nanoscience and nanotechnology research - a phenomenological study, World Conference on Physics Education, WCPE 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.

Reed, B. Ross,. J. Bowe, B. Duffy, G. Rogers, M. (2012). Program Offerings and Curriculum Convergence Between the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) 119th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio.

Chari, D., Irving, P., Howard, R. & Bowe, B. (2012) Identifying Knowledge, Skills and Competence for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research: A Study of Postgraduate Researchers’ Experiences, International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 28, No. 5, pp 1046-1055.

Chari, D., Howard, R. & Bowe, B., (2012), Disciplinary identity of nanoscience and nanotechnology research- A study of postgraduate researchers’ experiences, International Journal for Digital Society (IJDS), Vol. 3(1), pp 619-616.

Malmi, L., De Graaff, E., Adawi, T., Curmi, R., Duffy, G., Kautz, C., et al. (2012). Developing a Methodological Taxonomy of EER papers. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 40th SEFI Annual Conference.

Bates, E. (2012). The Transformative Power of Learning: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the learning experience of apprentices. Proceedings

of the International Academic Conference, Novotel Lisboa Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal 2012.

Conlon, E. (2012) Macro, Micro, Structure, Agency: Analysing Approaches to Engineering Ethics. in J. Sture, Yearbook of Biosecurity Education 2012, University of Bradford.

Nicolaou, I. and Conlon, E. (2012) What do final year engineering students know about sustainable development? European Journal of Engineering Education, 37 (3), 267-277.

Duffy, G. (2012). Facilitating Intellectual and Personal Skills Development in Engineering Programmes. Proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES), Madrid, Spain, October 4-7 2012.

Duffy, G. Chance, C. Bowe, B. (2012). Improving engineering students’ design skills in a project-based learning course by addressing epistemological issues. 40th SEFI Conference, 23-26 September 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece


Chari, D., Howard, R. & Bowe, B., (2011), “Phenomenological study of researches experiences of nanoscience and nanotechnology research” International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation, ICERI 2011, Madrid, Spain.

Chari, D., Howard, R. & Bowe, B., ‘Identifying the knowledge, skills & competence for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology research’ Ireland International Conference on Education IICE 2011, Bewleys Hotel, Dublin (3-5 October 2011)

Duffy, G., & Bowe, B. (2011).Facilitating intellectual and personal skills development in engineering programmes.Proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium 2011 – Madrid.

McHale, D., Kremer, G., Bowe, B. (2011). An Investigation of the Perception of Gains from Undergraduate International Exchange Programs: A Tale of Atlantis,.118th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Vancouver, Canada.

Kelly, K., Bowe, B. (2011). Qualitative Research in Engineering Education.118th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Vancouver, Canada.

Kremer, G., Murphy, M., Bowe, B. (2011). An International Comparison of Engineering Programs in their Emphases and Professional Skills Development, 118th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Vancouver, Canada.

Dorran, D., Bowe, B. (2011) Use of Unsupervised Online Quizzes to Support Core Competency Development, ICEE : An International Conference on Engineering Education : 21-26 August 2011 : Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK

Bates, E. (2011). Can utilising social networking deter the learner's engagement. Proceedings of the Future of Education Conference, Mediterraneo Hotel, Florence. June 15 – 17, 2011.

Bates,E. (2011). Engaging in an action research cycle on the Irish Standards Based apprenticeship to provide time for learners’ engagement. Proceedings of the EDULEARN 11 Conference, Gran Hotel Princess Sofia Hotel, Barcelona, July 4 – 6, 2011.

Bates, E. (2011). How do Apprentice Painters and Decorators on the Irish Standards Based Apprenticeship Experience their Learning? Dissertation.Dublin Institute of Technology, 2011.

Carr, M. (2011).Improving Core Mathematical Skills in Engineering Undergraduates.Teaching Fellowships. Paper 11.

Conlon, E. (2011) Macro, Micro, Structure, Agency: Analysing Approaches to Engineering Ethics, SEFI Annual Conference, Lisbon, September, 2011.


Duffy, G. & Bowe, B. (2010). A framework to develop lifelong learning and transferable skills in an engineering programme, 3rd International Symposium for Engineering Education, University College Cork, Ireland.

Duffy, G. (2010). Improving the Quality of PBL Modules in an Engineering Programme. DIT Teaching Fellowship Reports, 46.

Duffy, G. & Bowe, B. (2010).A strategy for the development of lifelong learning and personal skills throughout an undergraduate engineering programme. IEEE conference Transforming Engineering Education: Creating Interdisciplinary Skills for Complex Global Environments.

Bates, E. (2010). Changing the traditional lecture format to foster a deep approach to learning among a group of students.Proceedings of the ICERI 2010 Conference, Hotel MeliaCastilla, Madrid. November 15 – 17, 2010.

Conlon, E. (2010) Towards an Integrated Approach to Engineering Ethics, International Symposium for Engineering Education, Cork, July 2010.

Conlon, E. and Zandvoort, H. (2010) Broadening Ethics Teaching in Engineering: Beyond the Individualistic Approach, Science and Engineering Ethics. 17 (2), 217-232.


Walsh, L. N., Howard, R. G., & Bowe, B. (2009). A phenomenographic study of introductory physics students: Approaches to problem solving and conceptualisation of knowledge. FISER ’09 Frontiers in Science Education Research, Famagusta, Cyprus.

Conlon, E. and Zandvoort, H. (2009) Broadening Ethics Teaching in Engineering: Beyond the Individualistic Approach, Paper to SEFI Annual Conference, Rotterdam, July 2009.

Irving, P., Howard, R.G. & Bowe. (2009). The relationship between students’ behaviour in problem-based learning groups and the development of conceptual understanding, FISER ’09 Frontiers in Science Education Research, Famagusta, Cyprus, March 22 – 24th.

Walsh, L.N. Howard, R. & Bowe, B. (2009). A Phenomenographic Study of Introductory Physics Students: Approaches to Problem Solving and Conceptualisation of Knowledge, FISER ’09 Frontiers in Science Education Research, Famagusta, Cyprus, March 22 – 24th.


Conlon, E. (2008). The New Engineer: Between Employability and Social Responsibility. European Journal of Engineering Education, 33(2), 151-159.

Conlon, E. (2008). Integrating Engineering Ethics and Research Skills in a First Year Programme, International Symposium for Engineering Education, September 2008, 145-56.

Walsh, L.N. Howard, R. & Bowe, B. (2008). A phenomenographic study of the development of conceptual knowledge and its relationship with problem solving in physics, EARLI SIG 9 workshop, Kristianstad, Sweden, May 21 – 24th.


Walsh, L. N., Howard, R. G. & Bowe, B. (2007), Phenomenographic study of students’ problem solving approaches in physics, Phys. Rev. S T Phys. Educ. Res. 1, 020108.

Bowe, B., (2007), “Implementing Physics Education Research to Inform and Enhance Pedagogical Approaches”, New Directions, Issue 3, 19-26.

Bowe, B., (2007), Managing the Change from Traditional Teaching to Problem-based Learning in Physics Education, in Management of Change: Implementation of Problem Based and Project Based Learning in Engineering, edited by A. Kolmos, and E. de Graff, Rotterdam, Sense Publishers.

Conlon, E. (2007) Recruitment and Retention: The Role of The Public Image of Engineering., International Symposium for Engineering Education, September 2007, 47-56.


Bowe, B. (2006). The need for Learning and Teaching Support - The Changing Role of the Academic, Launch of Learning and Teaching Centre in Athlone Institute of Technology.

Walsh, L.N, Howard, R.G. & Bowe, B., (2006), A phenomenographic study of conceptual knowledge and its relationship to problem-solving ability in physics. Conference proceedings, Australian Institute of Physics, 17th National Congress.

Conlon, E. (2006) Recruiting First Year Engineering Undergraduates, Paper to SEFI Annual Conference Uppsala, June 2006

Howard, R. Walsh, L.N. Bowe, B. (2006). A phenomenographic study of conceptual knowledge and its relationship to problem-solving ability in physics, Physics Higher Education Conference, University of Leicester, September 7 –8.

Walsh, L.N. Howard, R. Harvey, J. & Bowe, B. (2006). Development of conceptual knowledge its relationship with problem solving ability, Institute of Physics Spring Weekend, Donegal, Ireland, March 31st – April 2nd.

Walsh, L.N, Howard, R.G. & Bowe, B. (2006). A phenomenographic study of conceptual knowledge and its relationship to problem-solving ability in physics, in Conference proceedings, Australian Institute of Physics, 17th National Congress, December 3 –8.


Walsh, L.N., Howard, R.G., Harvey, J. & Bowe, B. (2005). Investigation of the relationship between students conceptual understanding and problem solving skills in optics. SPIE Conference Proceedings, Education Conference at OPTO-Ireland.

Bowe, B., (2005), Assessing problem-based learning: A case study of a physics problem-based learning course, in A handbook of enquiry and problem-based learning in higher education: Irish case studies and international perspectives, edited by T. Barrett, I. Labhrainn and H. Fallon, AISHE and CELT, NUI Galway, pg 113 – 112.

Bowe, B., Flynn, C., Howard, R., & Daly, S. (2005), Problem-based Learning Physics Course in the Dublin Institute of Technology. PossiBiLities – a Practice Guide to Problem-based Learning in Physics and Astronomy. Higher Education Academy (HEA), Physics Science Centre, Hull.

Walsh, L.N. Howard, R. Harvey, J. & Bowe, B. (2005). Are physics students developing the conceptual understanding necessary to become adept problem-solvers?, Physics Higher Education Conference, University of Leicester, September 7 –9.

Walsh L.N. Howard, R. & Bowe, B. (2005). Investigation of the relationship between conceptual understanding and quantitative problem-solving in Physics, Foundations and Frontiers of Physics Education Research, Bar Harbor, Maine, August 15 -19th.

Walsh, L.N. Howard, R. Harvey, J. & Bowe, B. (2005), Investigation of the Relationship between Students Conceptual Understanding and Problem Solving Skills in Mechanics. Institute of Physics Spring Weekend, Kildare, Ireland, March 19.

2002 - 2004

Bowe, B. and Cowan, J., (2004), A comparative evaluation of problem-based learning in physics: A lecture-based course and a problem-based course, in Challenging Research into Problem-based Learning, Edited by Savin-Baden, M. and Wilkie, K., SHRE / Open University Press, pg 161 – 173.

Bowe, B., (2004) Problem-based Learning in Physics Education, National American Physics Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, March 22-26.

Bowe, B. (2004). Problem-based Learning in Physics Education, National American Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, March 22-26.

Bowe B. (2003). Physics through problem-based learning. 1st Annual Teaching & Learning Conference, Project and Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, Galway, Ireland

Bowe B., Daly S., Flynn C., Howard R. (2002). Problem-based learning: An approach to enhancing learning and understanding of optics for first year students. SPIE Conference Proceedings, OPTO-Ireland, Galway.

Ravenscroft, A., E. Baur, J. Harvey, B. Bowe, M. Somer& B. Galabov. (2002). Putting the learning into eLearning: Developing online communities of practice for school-based education. Paper CAL '03: 21st Century Learning, Queens University, Belfast, UK.