Spatial ability & problem representation

The Role of Spatial Ability in Problem Representation is a research project which was undertaken by Gavin Duffy to tackle a particular problem which interests him.

That is in addressing the role spatial thinking plays in solving problems that are presented as descriptions that must be first understood and cognitively represented before proceeding to the solution stage.

The main research questions are:

  • What role does spatial thinking play in the problem representation or mental modelling phase?
  • What are the correlations between scores on spatial tests and scores on word problems in maths, physics and electric circuits?
  • How do the approaches to problem solving of weak visualisers compare with those of strong visualisers?
  • Does spatial skills development transfer to improvements in problem representation and solution and, if so, how is this explained?

Gavin addressed these questions through his PhD work. As part of these efforts Gavin spent the 2016/17 academic year at Ohio State University as a visiting scholar with Prof. Sheryl Sorby.

CREATE researchers Involved:

Gavin Duffy

Prof. Sheryl Sorby

Prof. Brian Bowe