Boettcher Scholarship


"We need our most dynamic thinkers, doers, and difference makers to stay in Colorado so they can positively impact their communities across our state. That was the foresight behind the Boettcher Scholarship Program when it was created more than 65 years ago. The vision continues today as our Scholars personify the promise of Colorado and potential of Coloradans.

Awarded in partnership with our state’s four-year, nonprofit institutions of higher education, our comprehensive scholarship program has two models.

Beyond financial support, we provide Scholars with unique enrichment opportunities designed to enhance their learning journeys, launch careers, and cultivate leadership potential. Scholars also become part of a vast and diverse network of Boettcher Alumni that dates back 65 years. The ethos that unites Scholars across generations is the enthusiasm to give back in the communities where they attend college, work, and live."