Teacher Wayne BH

Easter - Celebrating and making cards

March 18, 2016

For Easter Enhancement Class, the teacher used a power point presentation on how the holiday is celebrated.

The teacher read the slides explaining the new vocabulary. As they were richly illustrated, students could learn it easily and even compare the American to the Brazilian celebration. In the same presentation, students could learn different ways of making Easter Cards, with proper sentences. After that, each student made a Creative Card to a Secret Friend from the class. Later on, this Secret Friend was described by the student in a very simple way in front of the class, so that they could guess who the person was.


Earth Day - raising awareness about environmental problems

April 22 , 2016

During our Earth Enhancement Class, after watching a vídeo about "TheTop 5 most endangered animals", students had a written task to rank from the least to the most endangered animals on Earth.

The teacher presented some slides containing simple Environment Key Vocabulary. After learning the new words, the students worked in pairs making posters related to Environmental Problems.After that, they worked in groups trying to guess how long the materials take to biodegrade.Then, they watched the second part of the slide presentation to check of they guessed correctly.Finally, they created some crafts using recycling materials.

Check out the ppt slides below.

Earth Day - Access BH

Here are some pictures of students' production.


Memorial Day - Playing with colors and crafting the American flag.

May 20, 2016

After watching a video explaining Memorial Day's Celebration, the students watched a PowerPoint presentation containing the key Vocabulary. After learning it, they made some crafts inspired by the American flag.

5 Attachments

Memorial Day - BH


Father´s Day -

This week's Enhancement Class was about Father's Day. After watching a power point presentation about This Celebration in the United States, students made a Card and a Monogram for their fathers.

Father’s Day


LABOR DAY - Making posters about different professions and learning how to write a résumé.

On 2nd September, the students watched a video explaining about the American Labor Day Holiday. After that, they compared it to the Brazilian holiday explaining the differences between them.

Then, they watched a ppt presentation with plenty of vocabulary related to professions. They could drill, practice and learn the new words.

Later on, each student wrote on a piece of paper what professional he or she would like to be.

They walked around the class in order to find a colleague who would like to have the same profession.

Once having found an associate, they produced a poster about a profession, saying what these professionals do,how they can help the community, what a good place to work is, etc...

Each pair had five minutes to present their posters.

After that, they watched a video about how to prepare a résumé. They could learn about the lay out and how to write it.

At home they wrote their first draft and brought it the next class.


COLUMBUS DAY - October 7,2016

In order to learn about Columbus Day, the group watched a video about the history of Christopher Columbus.


The students also saw the power point presentation to understand more about the holiday. They had plenty of drilling practice to memorize the most important words and phrases. They also had some time to share information about the date previously learnt from school, related to history.

Then, they formed pairs or trios to create skits. The story as a comic strip, drawing and writing dialogues.

After that, the comic strips were put on the wall so that everybody would stand up and read everybody's stories. They voted the best one.

Later, after some rehearsal time, each story was roll played by the respective authors to the rest of the class.

The skit above won the first prize, and here are the authors Mayara Queiroz and Alyne Morais with their sweet prizes.


HALLOWEEN October 21, 2016.

The students watched a power point presentation to have general information about the holiday.

They also watched a video to learn about the history of Halloween.

Using another power point presentation, the teacher could revise and drill vocabulary related to the holiday and the "Trick or Treat " rhyme.

Then , the students worked for more than an hour preparing some crafts related to the theme, using some of the suggestions from the slides.

After the room was fully decorated, they played miming games with the new words that had been learned.

They also played a zombie game which was great fun.

As some students were wearing fancy costumes, they walked around the class to show off their "characters", allowing their colleagues to describe their costumes, in order to practice clothes vocabulary.

Later on, the whole group had a great pic-nic under a centenary "Gameleira" tree, to taste all the sweet prizes and delicious food they brought.



The teacher wrote on board an Anagram using letters from Thanksgiving for students to find out what it was. Once they did it, some vocabulary was introduced through a power point presentation.

The new words related to the holiday were drilled and practised.

After that, a video was played about the whole story of Thanksgiving day.


Then, the students played a Hangman as a competition game, with two big groups of 10 students each. It worked as spelling practice.

After that, the students compared the holiday in the USA and in Brazil.

The students built a tree made of paper, and put it up on one of the classroom walls. They cut out leaves and complete a sentence about themselves saying: " I'm thankful for ... "



March 17, 2017.

Tiny Houses as a solution to reduce environment impact.

The students watched a video explaining about a tiny house construction and the materials used.

After that, they discussed how tiny houses cause less environment impact, such as less energy consumption, less material , smaller area used for the construction, etc...


They also had the opportunity to practice vocabulary by making a list of the furniture they could see in in the video, and then compare it to their partner's list. The pronunciation of some words was checked and repetition was done whenever necessary.

A second video of decorated rooms in the house was played, and the students could describe each room and its respective furniture using "There is" and "There are".


After plenty of oral practice, they designed their own version of a tiny house that caters to their needs.

They shared with their colleagues how their choices can help the environment.

They watched a third video about houses and their rooms.


After receiving a card describing in details " a perfect house ", they worked in pairs or trios, crafting the scene with play dough, especially the furniture.

When the work was finished, they walked around the class to see the other groups work.


MAY 19, 2017.


Students were divided into groups of 3 and researched about three Americans:

Group 1: Nikolas Tesla

Group 2 - Hedy Llamarr

Group 3 - Jesse Owens

They wrote individually a short paragraph about the person they have researched using the simple past tense.

They formed groups of three students with researches of a different person, in order to share information.

The students gathered according to the person they have written about and each group prepared a 5 minute presentation.

At the end of each presentation the class could ask questions and discuss about the researched figure.

Later on, the Teacher talked about Ethnic Tolerance.

The students watched videos from Access students from Brasília, containing some questions to an immigrant, Lynda, living in the USA.

After watching the videos, students wrote questions( in the past tense) to Lynda, about her experience in the USA.

Students recorded videos (similar to the ones they have watched from Access - Brasilia) with their questions to be sent to an immigrant living in the States to be answered.



23rd JUNE, 2017

As a warm up activity, the Teacher started showing a Power Point Presentation about the

American Holiday Tradition, using each slide to elicit what they could remember from the 2016 Enhancement Activities.

The students had to compare the Brazilian to the American Holidays and Celebrations.

Then, the students watched a power point presentation about Means of Transportation. They could drill and practice the spelling and the vocabulary as well as discuss what means of transport they use and move around.

They watched a video:


After that, they watched a powerpoint presentation with the vocabulary related to Disabilities and Accessibility.

Then, they discussed about the challenges and hassles people with disabilities face in big cities.

Then, the students were divided in pairs in order to create a fictional character with a Disability. They drew the character and created a comic that aims at showing the community the difficulties disabled people face and how we can help them.

After finishing it, each pair presented their story showing it to the rest of the class.



The students watched a powerpoint presentation about the American School System. There was a chart containing all phases since nursery school to post graduate school. They had plenty of vocabulary and pronunciation practice.

After that, they watched a video and took notes of important information which they could compare in pairs.

Later, each pair crafted a poster with images/drawings and key words about one specific phase of the American Educational System; Pre-school, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, Undergraduate School, Graduate School, Post Graduate School.

Their posters were organized in the correct sequence on the wall.and each pair talked briefly about their phase.

When they finished, they switched pairs and compared the American and Brazilian Educational System.

Students watched a second video about the Japanese Educational System. They could compare and talk about the three types of education : American,Brazilian and Japanese. The students pointed out topics that each country prioritizes and the results in their socitety.


September 29th, 2017.


Since there was a Hurricane in Florida- USA the last month, we decided to have an Enhancement Class about Environment and Natural phenomena. We started watching a power point presentation in order to revise and drill the weather vocabulary, The students also learnt how to convert from Farenheit to Celsius scale (and vice-versa).

They watched a video about Weather Forecast in the USA, taking notes of at least three different cities and its temperature. They also converted from Fahrenheit to Celsius scale.

They watched a second video about the seasons. In pairs, they compared the seasons in the USA and in Brazil.

They were divided in groups of 4 and crafted a poster of one specific season, using the information and vocabulary to write sentences which represented the season and the weather. Afterwards, each group presented its poster to rest of the class.

After discussing how the weather can influence the life in our planet, students watched a power point containing Natural Phenomena vocabulary. Then, they watched a video about different phenomena, and took notes of where they had happened and what the consequences were.

In order to review the past continuous tense, they watched a trailer of the film "Here after", and wrote down what some of the characters were doing when the wave hit the city.

Later on, the students discussed where those kinds of natural disasters are common and related to the recent facts in Florida and Mexico.


October 27th, 2017.

We started talking about the Brazilian elections so that the students could say what they known about this process.

Then, the teacher elicited what they know about the American elections and they watched a video about the last American election, in 2016. The students took notes from important information and the teacher explained some details they couldn't understand.

After that,they watched the video again.

A second video was played. They took notes of other information and compared with a partner. They pointed out the differences between the two election processes.

Later on, they had to vote for an Access Representative. The person elected would have to give a speech in the graduation ceremony. The teacher elicited the characteristics this representative would need to have. Then, they wrote the name of one student on a small piece of paper and the teacher counted the votes. Later, the winner was announced to the class.


The teacher presented a power point presentation about Halloween. Students revised vocabulary and all traditional American Celebration. After that, they had to walk around Magistra's building seeking for lots of hidden candies. After finding and collecting all treats, they decorated the room with traditional halloween decoration. They finished the celebration having a picnic at Magistra's garden.



NOVEMBER 24, 2017.

Our last Enhancement Class was a Thanksgiving feast. The students were very pleased to try all traditional food for the ocasion, such as Roasted turkey, gravy, pumpkin, corn cream, baked potatoes and a big salad with many kinds of vegetables.

Before we started the meal, each student stood up in front of the group and addressed a sentence speech " I'm thankful for ... " stating their gratitude for important things they have been having in their lives, such as a family, health, the opportunity of attending the English course, etc...

It was rewarding to see how enthusiastic they were while expressing their feelings and thoughts in English!

The feast lasted one and a half hour with plenty of interaction between the students, the teacher, the Magistra Director, Alcione, and Katia, from Secretaria de Educacao do Estado.

After the meal, we went back to the class to watch a cartoon video explaining the history of this holiday. It was a good ocasion to recycle the target vocabulary they had learnt one year ago. After practicing the vocabulary and retelling the history, they started to work with some crafts related to the theme.

They prepared some card paper turkeys, using the traditional colors to decorate our classroom.


A Secretaria de Educação do Estado de Minas Gerais escreveu uma matéria sobre o Programa Access de Belo Horizonte.


Curso de Inglês para alunos do Ensino Médio completa um ano

São 20 alunos de escolas de áreas de vulnerabilidade social e com bom aproveitamento na escola regular

15 de Maio de 2017 , 14:59

Atualizado em 19 de Maio de 2017 , 15:33

Completa um ano, em maio, a parceria entre a Secretaria de Estado de Educação (SEE) e o Consulado Norte-Americano em Minas para a formação em inglês básico, destinado a alunos de áreas de vulnerabilidade social e com bom rendimento na escola regular. Os resultados são muito positivos, segundo Kátia de Laura Borges, analista educacional da SEE.

O projeto é uma parceria entre a SEE, a Assessoria de Relações Internacionais do Governo do Estado, a Representação Consular dos Estados Unidos, em Minas Gerais e a Casa Thomas Jefferson. Foram selecionados alunos das escolas estaduais Professora Maria do Socorro Andrade (bairro Nova Cintra), Professora Nair de Oliveira Santana (Nova Gameleira), e Odilon Behrens (Coração Eucarístico), da Superintendência Regional de Ensino (SRE Metropolitana B), todas situadas em regiões mais próximas da execução das aulas.

O curso, com duração de dois anos, acontece no Campus da Gameleira da SEE. A carga horária semanal é de 4h30m, e uma semana a mais durante as férias de julho e de dezembro. Essas duas semanas são dedicadas ao estudo da diversidade cultural, culinária e história dos Estados Unidos da América (EUA).

Os alunos, todos do 2º ano do Ensino Médio, recebem alimentação e espaço físico fornecidos pela SEE. À embaixada cabe estrutura de conteúdo, materiais didáticos, transporte e atividades extraclasse, bem como os custos com o educador. Segundo Kátia, ao se inscreverem,apresentaram declaração da escola de bom aproveitamento, oais e alunos assinaram um termo de compromisso.

De acordo com a professora de inglês, Wayne Segall, “trata-se de um curso básico, que acontece entre março e dezembro, sendo que em duas semanas – uma em julho e outra em dezembro, durante as férias -, praticamos atividades intensivas. Trabalho as quatro habilidades: fala, escuta, escrita e leitura, de forma que o aluno possa aplicar os conhecimentos da língua da forma que achar melhor”.

Segundo Wayne, há também atividades extraclasse que estimulam o aprendizado e despertam maior interesse. “Levamos os alunos para assistir ao filme ‘Estrelas Além do Tempo’, uma promoção do Consulado, que fala sobre mulheres que romperam barreiras, racial e de gênero, na década de 60, e trouxemos a discussão da temática para a sala de aula. Foi muito bacana”.

Estudante da Escola Estadual Nair de Oliveira Santa, no bairro Cabana, Gabriel Gustavo disse estar gostando muito da experiência. “Assim que soube da possibilidade de bolsa, me inscrevi e acho que acertei. O curso é muito bom e abre novas perspectivas para o mercado de trabalho”.

Para a estudante Laura Suelen Bento, da mesma escola, é uma “excelente oportunidade de aperfeiçoarmos nosso inglês. Com essas aulas aqui, podemos também ajudar nas aulas de inglês oferecidas na nossa escola. Repassamos o que aprendemos aos demais colegas”.

Laura destaca o incentivo das aulas sobre a cultura daquele país. “Tem aula especial na sexta-feira quando pesquisamos datas festivas e cívicas, como são comemoradas, danças regionais, e outros hábitos da população. É muito legal.”

Gabriela Araújo Santos Silva classifica a experiência como “incrível”. “Quando apresentaram o curso fiquei muito interessada. Tenho muita vontade para conhecer outros países e falar inglês aumenta as possibilidades, além de enriquecer nossos currículos”.


Sessão de cinema com os alunos de inglês!

A cônsul dos EUA em Belo Horizonte, Rita Rico, convidou alunos de inglês do English Access, ICBEU Belo Horizonte e Instituição Ramacrisna para uma sessão exclusiva do filme “Estrelas Além do Tempo”, indicado a 3 Oscars. Nosso convidado especial foi Francislei Henrique, presidente nacional da CUFA - Central Única das Favelas. Francis acaba de voltar de intercâmbio nos EUA patrocinado pela embaixada, onde conheceu projetos sociais para a juventude. Com direito a pipoca e refrigerante, a sessão foi um sucesso! O evento foi patrocinado pela Cinemark, Fox Film do Brasil e Motion Picture Association.

