
joining our staff

We are looking for applicants that are motivated to be a part of a program that provides a safe and fun environment for children while encouraging teamwork, leadership, and growth.  You must be ready to learn something new everyday, adaptable in many situations, enjoy physical activity, have a positive attitude, and be ready to impact lives. 

Our program operates daily Monday through Friday between the hours of 2:45pm-6:30pm.

If this sounds like YOU please click on the links below to submit your application for employment.

Apply To Kids Klub Final.mp4

Kids Klub Employment Opportunities (click on the position(s) to complete the application)

Staff Member - Lead the kids in all of the fun activities!  Make connections and impact a kid's day every time you come to work!

Site Administrative Assistant (SAA) - Help ensure the safety of our kids!  You provide peace of mind to staff and parents, allowing them to know we do everything we can to help make sure the kids are safe!

Site Assistant Supervisor - Enhance your campus program by playing multiple roles and building a rapport with everyone on campus!  Assist the staff and supervisor in their responsibilities.

Site Supervisor - Manage campus staff and children directly and indirectly through training and administrative responsibilities!  You'll gain valuable experience, learning and applying leadership skills.

*Once an application is received, we will communicate with you through the email listed on your application.

summer Day Camp Employment Opportunities

For Current Staff Forms, click here!