Clubs @ Kids Klub is a unique opportunity for students enrolled in our program to pursue special interests.  We offer a wide range of skill based & enrichment based activities in areas of creative expression, athletics, STEM, and outdoor skills.  Some examples of clubs we offer may include cross stitching, painting, weaving, baseball, basketball, soccer, dance, forensics, orienteering, archery, and much more!

Clubs occur once a week for about an hour and will run for a specific number of weeks.  Each Kids Klub campus offers clubs that the current staff is experienced or knowledgeable in and who have a desire to share that interest with our students.

To sign up for clubs, students will meet with Kids Klub campus leadership and preference their club choices. 

For current club session information, please click on your Kids Klub campus below. 


Click on your student's Kids Klub campus below to view current club offerings.

Club Preference Sign Up: April 2 - 5  (on campus during Kids Klub hours)

Clubs begin the week of April 8th