Graphic Novel Honors

Graphic Novel Honors Project Explanation - Spring 2019

DUE DATES - Spring 2019

Fri., Jan. 11: Signature page committing to project.

Mon., Feb. 4: Prospectus: 1-2 substantive paragraphs via email or googledocs.

Mon., March 25: Final Project DUE

Spring 2018 Honors Creative Projects

Hayden Gee - Zac Brown Band's "Who Knows"

Charlotte Grace Marshall - Blind Date

Slade Woo - An Immigrant's Story

Annie Ryan - "The House That Built Me" by Miranda Lamber

Spring 2017 Honors Creative Projects

Taylor Ryckman - Rudyard Kipling's How The Camel Got His Hump

Quinn Schebell's adventure story

Kimberly Jeans - The Academy

Haley Kell - Ed Sheeran's "I See Fire"

Grace Stratford - Langston Hughes' "Thank You, Ma'am"

Spring 2016 Honors Creative Projects

Alex Ferrell - John Updike's "A&P"

Christopher Johnson - The Open World

Murphy Zaun - Arcade Fire's The Suburbs

Marnie Brennan - Level 4: Virus Hunters of the CDC by Joseph B. McCormick, Susan Fisher-Hoch, & Leslie Alan Horvitz

Spring 2015 Honors Creative Projects

William Bennett's Autobiographical Narrative

Scott Roper's version of the song "A Boy Named Sue"

Carly Hayes' interpretation of the J.D. Salinger short story "A Perfect Day for Bananafish"

Chris Marshall's graphic interpretation of Kendrick Lamar's music

Addie Johnson's Political Cartoons

Meghan Rayner's graphic depiction of Andrea Gibson's poem "Birthday"

Annie Leeth's depiction of an excerpt from Reza Kahlili's A Time To Betray: The Astonishing Double Life of a CIA Agent Inside the Revolutionary Guards of Iran

Payton Van Winkle's version of the song "Cat's Cradle"

Annie Norman's A Donkey Tale (loosely based on the story of Balaam and his Donkey from the Old Testament of the Bible)