Mountaineer of the Year

The CMC Mountaineer of the Year award was established to recognise significant contributions to the development of mountaineering in New Zealand and overseas in the preceding year or two.

It was also, of course, a good excuse to get together and hear a talk from the recipient(s), at the end of which they were traditionally awarded a large framed colour print and a handsome trophy to keep on their mantelpiece for a year.

While the idea of acknowledging someone as deserving special recognition does not usually sit well in the mountaineering world, Dave Fearnley (recipient in 1991) put things in perspective: "Being Mountaineer of the Year in New Zealand is a little bit like being Rugby Player of the Year in Bangladesh".

So please honour the following for being amongst the many who have made significant contributions to mountaineering in New Zealand and around the world:

About the trophy

The trophy was purchased with money left to the Club by Dave McLeod. It was carved by Gary Arthurs, and depicts a rock face with piton, carabiner and a knotted rope. The first person to receive the trophy was Colin Monteith in 2001.