UploadSpreadsheet [MV]

Upload Your Simplebatch Spreadsheet [MV]

After you have saved your spreadsheet you can then upload it to eClaims.

    1. Log on to eClaims (www.claimsres.com)

    2. Under the menu 'Claims' click the option 'Upload Claims'

        1. If you do not see this option you may not have the permission to upload claims. If this is the case please contact CRMC.

    3. The Batch File Upload page gives you the option to browse for your newly created spreadsheet and upload it.

    4. Click the 'Browse' button and then select the spreadsheet you saved earlier.

    5. Click the 'Upload File' button.

eClaims will will usually process your batch within then next two hours (during business hours). After eClaims processes your batch a message will be posted to the messageboard in eClaims. If you do not receive a message on your messageboard please contact CRMC.