ClaimantInformation [CET]

Claimant Information [CET]

You must have the minimum required information for a Claimant for any information to be uploaded to eClaims. The required information for a Claimant is bold:

Claimant Information:

    • Trust

      • code provided by CRMC (Manville is MV, Thurston is CET)

    • FirmID

      • numerical code provided by CRMC

    • ClaimantID*

    • ClaimantLastName

  • ClaimantFirstName

    • ClaimantMI

    • ClaimantSuffix

  • ClaimantSSN

  • Complete Claimant Address*

  • ClaimantDateOfBirth

    • ClaimantDateOfDeath

    • ClaimantDeathAsbestosRelated

      • valid codes are 'yes' or 'no' [without quotes]; requried only if there is a ClaimantDateOfDeath

    • ClaimantGender (M or F)

*ClaimantID is provided by CRMC for claimants that already exist in our system. (this allows you to file a new claim for an existing claimant). If you provide a ClaimantID, Trust and FirmID are required.

*If there is a ClaimantDateOfDeath do not fill out information for the Claimant Address, instead you must provide complete Representative Information for the Claimant.