Link to Thomas Dale Visual Art webpage
Link to Thomas Dale Art Boosters webpage
Link to Specialty Center for the Arts gallery
Link to National Art Honor Society webpage
Link to how to audition and apply for the Specialty Center for the Arts Visual Art program

The Specialty Center for the Arts at Thomas Dale provides Visual Art students the opportunity to develop skills, explore concepts, and refine techniques needed to create quality art works.  Functioning as an arts school within a comprehensive high school, SCFA arts and academic classes provide a strong preparation for post-secondary education.  

Opportunities to exhibit student work are actively sought throughout the year and pieces are regularly submitted to local, regional, and national competitions and shows.  The Visual Arts faculty aspires to assist our young artists in gaining the intellectual, emotional, and sociological tools necessary to set goals and to find purpose and success  in a variety of mediums. 

colorful collage of artworks created by specialty center for the arts students