
Chromebooks are available for all Kindergarten through 12th grade students.

All district Chromebooks are filtered, regardless of the internet they are connected to.

Questions about filtering? Interested in additional filtering options for at home? Click Here

Chromebook Care & Saftey

Please review tips for care here

Logging In

Chromebook Logins for Grades K-2

Chromebook Logins for Grades 3-12

Device Troubleshooting

Upgrade the Chrome OS

Some issues with Zoom, Google Classroom, or Chrome can be fixed with an OS update. Chromebooks run the Chrome OS - and it usually updates manually. However, sometimes users don't get the update right away, and manually checking for updates can speed this process along.

  1. Click on the clock in the lower right hand corner of your screen

  2. Select the Cog at the top right, for the "Settings" menu

  3. Select "About Chrome OS at the bottom left of the menu that comes up next.

  4. Click check for updates

Update Chromebook.mp4

Printing Not Working

Printing is disabled for all CSD Chromebooks. This applies at school as well as at home.

Staff should not be assigning students work that requires printing.

Not Responding - Won't Power On - Black Screen

1st - If your Chromebook is having issues with audio, power or network settings - try a hard reset first. Just click on the refresh (curly arrow on the top row) and power button together. Then close and re-open the device. This will clear any cache on the system board, and force a clean reboot. This can also fix occasional "black screen" and audio issues.

2nd - In order - Close the Chromebook lid, and plug the device into power - wait 10 seconds. Then open the lid. If the device does not power on automatically, try holding the power button down for 20 seconds, while plugged in - and then attempt to power on again.

Hard Reset Image

Wifi Not Connecting Automatically or Dropping Frequently

Check to make sure that "Prefer This Network" and "Connect Automatically" are selected in the wifi network settings. This video will show you how.

You can also try "forgetting" your home wifi network and re-adding it for a fresh connection.

Student Wifi Settings.webm

Wifi is Weak

How many devices are connect to your network?

How many tabs are open?

How far away from the router are you?

View Chromebook History

Chrome condenses history down into folders. Sometimes when you click on the history tab - it shows little or no history. This is usually because it is condensed. You can click on the history folder at the top to see the entire history.

Show Full Chrome History.mp4

Display Too Large or Too Small

There are keyboard shortcuts that will shrink or enlarge the screen. Sometimes you hit them on accident. To quickly return your resolution to standard, type:

CTRL + SHIFT + 0 (that's a zero)

Keyboard Typing Strange Characters

Check to make sure the keyboard is not set for INTL or another language. The symptoms of this are keys that type odd characters, don't type at all, or replace keystrokes.
