Below you will find a detailed list of the DP Major Projects. For every project listed a handout is required. A copy of the handout can be found at the bottom of this website page for you to print and submit on presentation day. Please additionally refer to the Feldman’s Model of Art Criticism handout at the bottom of the page. We will use this as a "template" for well developed group discussion/Critiquing.

ADV DP Major Class Projects

Influential Photographer Fridays PROJECT

Every Friday you will be introduced to a famous photographer who had some significant impact on photography, as we know it today by a presentation from your peers. You will select any photographer from the approved list of photographers and create an extensive PowerPoint presentation that will include a biography, artist statement, artist image, ten examples of the photographers work that you feel most compelled by, a claim to fame slide, and bibliography slide.

Check out the following sites:

FINISHING: Presentation w/Discussion EVERY Friday and PowerPoint Presentations

HANDOUT:  IPF Template PDF,  IPF Project Requirements, IPF GS

ADV DP Class Projects

Technical Competency PEER LESSON

You will become an expert on one area of technical skill related to photography and you will teach that skill to your peers. Depending on the topic you are given, a PowerPoint presentation, a hands-on demonstration, handouts, a lecture and quiz, and/or other strategies may be the appropriate way(s) to TEACH your material. In short: Know it, Present it as a lesson, as well as its affect on your photography through images you created for the lesson. On the days of the presentations, not only is it important for you to deliver a correct, complete, and entertaining lesson, but it is also vital that you learn from the other presentations because the material learned will be used throughout the semester.

**You MUST provide some type of handout for our class to be saved via GOOGLE DRIVE that highlights your TC in detail. Provide us with something that we'd be fortunate to have that will help us understand our cameras the best.

FINISHING: Presentation w/Discussion 

HANDOUT: Create your own Tech. Comp. worksheet, Tech. Competencies GS

Illusion Project

With the help of great photographic artists such as Erik Johansson (AMAZING WEBSITE creates illusion photo's designed to trick the mind, we have a genre of photography specific to using Photoshop and it's limitless possibilities. You will design your own illusion photograph step by step using Photoshop editing to help convince your audience that the image is possible. Be creative in your approach and take the time to think through your image.

Maxson_Walker Evans IPF


Favorite Contemporary Photographer PRESENTATION

You will research contemporary masters of photography and choose your favorite one. You will present a body of work from your favorite photographer to your peers, including a short biography and his or her artistic statement about the body of work in a brief PowerPoint project.

By the way, there are many wonderful contemporary master photographers!!! Just make sure that you choose a FINE ART photographer who has a body of work, an artistic statement, bio, and whose work you enjoy and respect! And make sure you can explain to your peers what their work is ABOUT!

FINISHING: Presentation w/Discussion and PowerPoint Presentations

HANDOUT: Contemporary Photographers

Choice Based Photography PROJECT – Second semester ONLY

You will create your own body of work second semester that is a direct representation of the type of photography you enjoy the most. It may be on ANY style of photography you chose and will consist of the following:  

             -  5 major works

             -  Research/motivation from an outside photographer for each project

FINISHING: Weekly Presentation w/ Discussion

HANDOUT: Project Proposal, Visual Art Standards, Artist Statement

Installation Piece

This is your opportunity to create a one of a kind piece that is specific to what you are most passionate about. For this project, you will create an artistic photographic work of art that may either be two or three-dimensional that will be site specific to the location where our presentation is displayed. The idea is to use your work to help transform the perception of the space.

Installation Examples/Ideas

FINISHING: Presentation w/ Discussion

HANDOUT: Artist Statement

HDR (High Dynamic Range)

HDR (or High Dynamic Range) is a photographic process that essentially takes the difference between the lightest light and darkest dark you can capture in a photo. Once your subject exceeds the camera's dynamic range, the highlights tend to wash out to white and the dark's simply become black blobs. It is therefore notoriously difficult to capture both ends of this spectrum. We will look at the work of some well recognized photographers like Peter Lik, Trey Radcliff (1st person to have an HDR image in the Smithsonian), Elia Locardi, and Ken Kaminensky

HDR: is a specific style of photo with an unusually high dynamic range that couldn't otherwise be achieved in a single photograph. It exactly like what the human eye can see.

ADV DP 2013/2014

FINISHING: Presentation w/ Discussion, Extended Response Paper - Installation Artist Statement Guide

Sketchbook Free Responses

You will do weekly/bi-weekly warm-up/free response exercises that you will record in your sketchbook. These exercises will consist of writing, brainstorming, sketching, etc. on topics pertinent to the day's lesson focusing on Feldman’s Method. These sketchbooks will be graded periodically for effort and completeness. You must write the date at the top of every page, the pages must be in chronological order. Please write separate days worth of exercises, activities, and lessons on separate pages. You must have your sketchbook in class everyday.

Sketchbook due dates: You will use your sketchbook most days. Be advised that they will be collected and graded periodically without warning.

Picture A Day

Photographers and artists improve their skills by practice and work. You will turn in a single, unaltered (non photoshoped) image taken Mon-Thurs of class. The image will be taken in Manual Mode/Manual Focus. Grading will be based on technical merits (accurate exposure/focus) as well as the students’ effort in discovering new content. EXIF, or metadata, information will be checked for verification of daily work.

- 8 points/week (2 points possible per picture)

"Filling the Well" Observation and Reflection 

This assignment draws on the advice of Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way. She suggests that, as artists (photographers included!), we should set aside an hour or more per week to do something that nourishes our creative self. As an incentive to follow her advice, I will collect and grade a "Filling the Well" Observation and Reflection Form once a semester for 15 bonus points (although you will hopefully fill your well more often!).

In order to fill out the form, you will need to attend a museum, gallery exhibit, show opening, art performance, artist's lecture, etc. Bring the form with you or fill it out as soon as you're done so the experience is fresh in your mind. Also, make sure to attach the ticket, receipt, or brochure to the form for full credit. Please note: The Columbus Museum of Art is FREE to visitors on Sunday’s and parking is also free in their parking lot on any visit. We are also extremely privileged to have the Short North Art Community which host’s art activities very frequently. 

HANDOUT: Filling the Well 

FINISHING: Presentation w/ Discussion


Double Exposure

A multiple or double exposure image is the ability to superimpose two or more photographs on top of one another to create a single image. The images may or may not be identical to each other. You may choose to complete the assignment in color or black and white, the choice is yours.

Check out this AWESOME tutorial!

Double Exposure

FINISHING: Presentation w/ Discussion

HANDOUT: Artist Statement

Mimic Project

You will choose an IP or recognized Contemporary Photographer and attempt to "mimic" their work by reproducing an image they've already created and creating one of your own using their unique shooting style. This project will be presented as a diptych (set of two images side by side) and can either be manipulated in photoshop as a diptych or printed off with two individual images. 

Following the completion of the work you will complete a written response answering the following questions in paragraph form:

FINISHING: Presentation w/ Discussion, Extended Response

HANDOUT: MIMIC wksht, Artist Statement

Short Story Filmstrip Project

As a class you will read a short story rich in narrative experience. Your assignment will be to create a series of four images  in filmstrip style that tell the story in your own words. You are required to submit four pictures for the project. They should be edited together on Photoshop with guidelines of 2" vertical and 1.80", 3.62", 5.43" and 7.23" horizontal.

Some themes for the filmstrip project may include: short stories, nursery rhymes, movies, poems etc.

Following the completion of the work you will complete a short response answering the following questions in paragraph form:

FINISHING: Presentation w/ Discussion, Extended Response

HANDOUT: Artist Statement