General Music Distance e-learning Lesson 9

In our third and final lesson on musical instrument families we are going to learn about 2 different musical instrument families.

The first family I'd like to share with you today is the percussion family. The percussion family is large and diverse, but all percussion instruments have one thing in common. You have to strike or hit them to make a sound. Check out this cool video about percussion instruments.

Finally, I'd like to share this nice video about the strings family.

After watching the videos above, please send me answers to the following questions:

1. What 2 instrument families did you learn about in this lesson?

2. What are the names of the five of the instruments you learned about in this lesson?

3. Which of these instruments is the highest pitched?

4. Which of these instruments is the lowest pitched?

5. Which of these instruments do you like best & why?

Thanks again for your work. Stay safe.