Supply List

School Year 2021-2022

1 backpack (large enough to hold a folder, lunchbox, winter clothing etc. (labeled with name)

1 lunchbox (labeled with name)

Suggested: A separate bag or container for snack

We will be having snack during the day, separate bags will help students determine what is for lunch and what is for snack.

2 durable plastic folder pockets on the bottom (labeled with name)

5 boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayons (Crayola only please)

1 box of Ticonderoga #2 pencils (sharpened please)

12-15 Elmer's glue sticks (Elmer's works the best)

1 package of Crayola thick markers

1 package of Crayola thin markers

1 package of Crayola colored pencils (classic colors)

4 pack of dry erase markers (any colors)

small package, any color highlighters

1 box of tissues

Headphones (no earbuds please, headphones are easier for little ears)

(Please place these in a Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name).

A complete change of clothes for your child. Please label all clothes with your child's name and place in a labeled Ziploc bag (socks, pants/shorts, shirt, and underwear).