Classroom News


School Year 2021-2022

Room A-11

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Welcome to Kindergarten! I am so excited that your children will be in my class this year! I am looking forward to getting to know your children and working with you to further their education. Below you will find some useful information regarding our classroom. I will be sending home more information once the year begins, however, please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

The best method to contact me is through email

Lynn Nadareski


This year our school has moved to a block scheduling format. This means that we will not have our specials on the same day each week, lunch and PE Enrichment will be the same time each day. Our days will run from an A-F Day, and then the schedule begins on an A Day again. Our schedule for this year is listed below. TBD

A Day -

B Day -

C Day -

D Day -

E Day -

F Day -

What to Bring to School?

Your child should come to school each day with a backpack that is large enough to carry a folder, their lunch box, snack pack, as well as additional items, such as projects that come home from school and items such as winter boots.

Your child should have a take home folder to keep any papers we have completed in school or important notices from the main office or me. It is also a place where you can transport notes from home to me, lunch money, dismissal changes or other important communications. Please check the contents of your child’s backpack each day. The folder is intended to be used as a method of daily communication between home and school. The folder should be sent back to school every day.

Clothing and Shoes

Weather permitting, we go outside for recess every day. Please be attentive to the weather forecast and dress your children accordingly. We go out after lunch, and the playground can still be chilly at that time. I often suggest that your child keep an extra sweatshirt in his/her backpack in case he/she gets chilly in the classroom or wants an extra layer for outside play. We will go out during the winter months (unless the temperature or wind chill dips below 20 degrees). Your child will need winter clothing including a warm jacket, snow pants, boots, hats and mittens. I will send a note home when it is time to send those items to school with your child.

Your child will need to wear a pair of sneakers on gym days in order to safely participate in class. In order to keep your children as safe as possible, I also recommend the children wear sneakers or other athletic shoes for the playground.


Since we will have a daily snack each day, please send in a small healthy snack each day. I ask that you send in only one or two small items, since we do not have a long time for snack and it is only about an hour and a half before lunch. There are many times in which the children aren’t sure what items are supposed to be for lunch and what items are for snack. In order to avoid confusion, please pack your child’s snack in a separate snack pack. Please write your child’s name on the snack pack. Please have your child bring a separate drink for snack, milk cannot be purchased for snack.


Your child can either bring or buy lunch from the cafeteria. If your child plans to bring his/her lunch, but would like to purchase just milk, he/she may do that as well.

In the beginning of the school year, the children often forget whether they are bringing their lunch or buying it. I will send home a form for you to fill out to help me keep track of this. I would sincerely appreciate it if you could fill out the lunch form and keep it in your child’s take home folder. I will send home a new form each week.


It is very important for me to know exactly how your child is to go home each day. The office will provide me with their bus numbers and other information, such as children who will be attending aftercare etc. However, you will need to send in a written note to let me know of any changes in your child’s normal dismissal routine. If I don’t hear from you, I will follow the normal dismissal procedures you have put in place at the beginning of the year. Written notes are preferred over emails.