
Selecting the drop menu to the left of this text box will allow you to access the different topics that we have covered in class. Each of the tabs under Biology are related to the Ohio Science Standards that were adopted in 2010 and revised in 2018. Each tab will lead you to the notes, some homework assignments, online videos and other material relevant for successfully learning and mastering the various topics and concepts required here at Brookfield High School.

If you missed the open house, click here for my open house letter.

Supply List. These are the minimum necessary items for this course in order to be a successful learner of Biology.

  • Minimum of 500 index note cards
  • 1 pocket folder, please put name in permanent marker and class along front of the folder
  • Pencils
  • Blue or Black PENS only
  • Colored Markers or Crayons
  • Compass
  • Protractor
  • Calculator
  • 1 3-in 3 Ring Binder OR 2 1.5-in 3 Ring Binders
  • College Ruled Loose Leaf Paper

Remind 101 Texting. A free method that you the student or you the parent can use to contact me for assistance. Be sure to enter the correct period code into the message to receive the correct periods messages. You can also look below this information for the correct periods news feed box and click on the blue join button.

  1. Create a new text message.
  2. In the new message include the code for the appropriate class listed below:
    • Period 1: @bio1bhs
    • Period 2: @bio2bhs
    • Period 3: @bio3bhs
    • Period 4: @bio4bhs
    • Period 5: @bio5bhs
    • Period 6: @bio6bhs
    • Period 7: @bio7bhs
  3. Send the code to the following number: 81010
  4. Follow any further instructions you receive.

I also have created many Quizlets, you can click here to find them without needing a website. You can join the Biology class Quizlet and use these as tools to assist you in studying vocabulary and diagrams that you will need to know for the course. Quizlet is free and has an app you can download to your phone or tablet.

Remind 101 Texting. A free method that you the student or you the parent can use to contact me for assistance. Alternatively, you can also click on the blue join button to the right of this information.

  1. Create a new text message.
  2. In the new message include the code: @spacebhs
  3. Send the code to the following number: 81010
  4. Follow any further instructions you receive.