
Selecting the drop menu to the left of this text book will bring up separate pages for homework, online quizzes, and the notes that you can view outside of class due to absence or review. If you have any questions please feel free to ask for assistance.

If you missed the open house, click here for my open house letter.

Supply List. These are the minimum necessary items for this course in order to be a successful learner of Astronomy.

  • 1 pocket folder, please put name in permanent marker and class along front of the folder
  • Pencils
  • Blue or Black PENS only
  • Colored Markers or Crayons
  • Compass
  • Protractor
  • Calculator
  • 1 1.5-in 3 Ring Binders
  • College Ruled Loose Leaf Paper

Remind 101 Texting. A free method that you the student or you the parent can use to contact me for assistance. Alternatively, you can also click on the blue join button to the right of this information.

  1. Create a new text message.
  2. In the new message include the code: @spacebhs
  3. Send the code to the following number: 81010
  4. Follow any further instructions you receive.