Otago University Scholarships

OTAGO Scholarships

· Online applications for these scholarships are now open at http://www.otago.ac.nz/study/scholarships/database/otago020033.html Applications close Friday 15 August.

· Our Guide to Applying for Entrance Scholarships to help students decide what awards to apply for and help them through the application process. This can be accessed as a downloadable PDF document at the website above.

· Once applications close on 15 August, we will perform an initial shortlisting of students for whom school-based references will be sought and, if you have had any students shortlisted, contact you about this. We currently have this email address on file for this process, but if you would prefer we sent such requests to a different [email] address, please just let us know. References will be due by late August/early September (date to be confirmed).

· For the Māori and Pacific Island and Performance Scholarships, students may select referees and this will generate emailed referee report requests. This is separate to the process above. Note that students should ask referees before nominating them though, so if you receive such a request it shouldn’t come as a surprise!

Should you or any of your students have any queries about the scholarship process which isn’t covered in our Guide to Applying for Entrance Scholarships, please feel free to contact us at scholarships@otago.ac.nz