Prepare Students to work with Community Partners
Below are tips sheet to prepare students to work with community partners
------ Tip: Cut and paste these resource links into your Canvas* ----------
Example introduction: "You will be representing yourself, this class, and the university when you communicate with community partners. The tip sheets below will help you be effective and professional."
Expectations and Tips for Success: Tips on professional behavior for students when working with Community Partners
Preparing to talk with community partner: Tips for clarifying your goals and investigating potential Community Partners
Discussing projects with a community partner: Suggested questions students ask Community Partners
Communication Templates: Example templates and scripts students can use to contact community partners
* Tip for Faculty:
Post these tools in Canvas AND introduce them during class so students know when and how to use them. Provide opportunities for practice. Try one of these active learning activities to introduce students to these tools during class: 1) role play the communication templates, 2) go on a "gallery walk," 3) teach a "jigsaw" for each template, or 4) participate in a scavenger hunt/quiz.