Faculty Toolkit

Faculty: Work through the following steps to incorporate advocacy service-learning into your course. 

    1. Clarify the scope and purpose of the advocacy project                                                                                                

                a.      Ask yourself these questions to help scope the project (see Scoping Questions For Faculty)

                b.      Decide whether the project will be light or intense (see Project Ideas)

    2. Help students narrow their focus, select an issue, and/or clarify project                                                                       

                a.     Use this class activity to help students explore what issues and communities they care about

                b.     See Help Students Scope a Project

    3. Decide if students will be contacting community partners directly to coordinate projects. 

                a.     If yes: Prepare students to work with CPs (this link offers tips and handouts)

                b.     If no: check out "Faculty Tips for building relationships with Community Partners" on Tips for Faculty 

    4. Design your lesson plan, including essential elements (see Sample Lesson Plans)

                a.      Discuss the ethics of advocacy and representing a cause/agency (see Thinking About Ethics)

                b.      Talk with students about how advocacy is a part of social change

                                (see the Social Change Wheel activity)

                b.      Integrate Reflection Questions to help students think deeply

    5. Decide what venue is appropriate for student work (see Venue Ideas)

    6. Review tips from other faculty (to narrow focus, to avoid volatility, to succeed with CPs)

Faculty, if you would like your students to go through these steps on their own, see the Toolkit for Students Working with Community Partners