About the Teacher & Contact Info

Robert Zook

Director of Technology, Middle and High School Computer courses

I have been teaching since January 1987 and each year seems more enjoyable than the year before. I started out teaching Middle School Social Studies, then shifted to Gifted and Talented instruction for middle school students. In the early 1990's when the Internet came available, I shifted into computer instruction on the K-8 level. This soon included teaching adult learners, leading workshops at educational technology conferences, and eventually teaching a graduate level course on educational technology. Since 2004, I have been teaching middle and high school students here at Belleville Mennonite School as well as serving as the school's Director of Technology. I enjoy the technology field due to the rapid change and there is always something new coming around the corner. In December 2011, I graduated from Bloomsburg University with a Masters degree in Instructional Technology with a focus on online course design. Since then, I've been helping to design online courses to be used as a stand alone courses as well as in blended learning courses. Blackboard has been the major LMS I've worked with, but have also developed in Canvas and Moodle as well. Google Classroom is also becoming a favorite tool to create online components with face to face instruction. Currently, I am also exploring and researching the effective use of mobile devices accessing interactive digital textbooks which could very well prove to revolutionize education as much as the Internet has. The next couple of years will tell. I am grateful to God for these opportunities that I've been able to experience and especially for the students that I've been able to share the joy of learning with since 1987.

Contact Information

Email: zookrg@bmsprek12.org

Phone: 717 935 2184 ext 131