Why Mindfulness?

Numerous scientific studies are proving the efficacy of mindfulness for improved academic, social, and emotional learning. In 2014, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in conjunction with Johns Hopkins published a meta-analysis study of the value of meditation and mindfulness programs. After reviewing over 17,000 citations, the study concluded, “Mindfulness meditation programs improved multiple dimensions of negative affect, including anxiety, depression, and perceived stress/general distress... comparable with what would be expected from the use of an antidepressant in a primary care population.”

Similarly, public schools that employ mindfulness practices are showing tangible educational benefits. In San Francisco, a school that led students in meditation workshops experienced marked increases in test scores. Other schools employing mindfulness programs were able to reduce suspensions, increase grade point averages and improve attendance rates. Likewise, four independent studies have shown that mindfulness education is effective in building students’ self-control, attentiveness and respect for other classmates.


Research points to emotional, social and mental health outcomes from mindfulness practices including:

• Improved presence & awareness

• Improved communication skills

• Enhanced overall health

• Increased empathy for oneself & others

• Decreased stress & anxiety

• Increased sense of calm

• Increased emotional resilience

• Better focus & concentration