What Is Mindfulness?

Put simply, mindfulness is about paying attention! Not, the kind of attention in class you hear from teachers such as, “Pay attention!” but the kind of attention you can give to anything you do in your life. Bringing attention to your senses (i.e., smell, touch, taste, sound, and sight) in everything you do in your life as minor as brushing your teeth to a task that is more involved such as walking to class or engaging in some after school activity provides a new opportunity to be “mindful.” When you pay close attention to everything you do, without judgment, you open yourself up to seeing everything in life as it is happening in this moment. You being to wake up to the unfolding of your life. For example, instead of getting somewhere and wondering how you got there you are actually present to what is occurring while it is taking place.

Mindfulness is noticing your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations

in the present moment without judgment.

Source: Gina Biegel, MA, LMFT Learn more at www.stressedteens.com

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