About Me

I am a graduate of Minnesota State University at Mankato with a degree in Social Work and I completed my Master's degree in May of 2018 from Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall with a Master of Science in Education-Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Emphasis. I have been a school social worker for 29 years. I reside in Blue Earth and I am a Blue Earth graduate.

I enjoy playing board games and solving crossword puzzles. I love to garden, nurture plants and watch them grow, plus digging in the dirt is pure pleasure. I am also enthusiastic about cleaning and organizing spaces. I have a dog named Katie and she is my ray of sunshine, she loves to go for walks and hunt for rabbits.

My passion in life is to help others who may be struggling to find their way; and empower them to believe in themselves and know that they have a purpose. Everyone needs to feel a sense of connection and that is something I try hard to model at BEA. Connecting with adults at school can be the ONE thing that makes a student want to come to school each day!

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