Mindfulness Apps

How to Find the Right Mindfulness App for You

Here are three things to look for when considering an app for mindfulness:

    • Get clear on its purpose: Is there a clear rationale for why this app would be helpful? If it is for stress, then how will it reduce stress. If it for anxiety, then how will it help reduce anxiety.

    • Show me the research: Ideally, any claims made about benefits should be backed up by research studies showing that practices included in the app are helpful for these conditions.

    • Music doesn’t help: Some features like music are popular for relaxation apps, but may not be particularly helpful for mindfulness apps where the goal is awareness. The practice of mindfulness is about observing and experiencing states that arise in the mind as we find it. The presence of music might make it more difficult, rather than easier, to connect with what’s happening in the present moment.

The following list are all FREE Apps available for download:

  • 10% Happier

  • Calm

  • Headspace


  • Insight Timer

  • Smiling Mind

  • Sattva

  • Simple Habit

  • Omvana

  • Aura

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