NEMS Chorus/after school vocal groups 

Expectations and Information

The Chorus rehearses during the school day.  The majority of our practicing will take place during this time.  There will be an in-school dress rehearsal during the week of the concert.  Both your positive behavior and ability to follow directions are mandatory for our success.  These rehearsals are designed to help to make our performances successful.  As a student, your attendance is vital to rehearsals.

Attendance for these events are MANDATORY.  If there is an illness or emergency, please contact Mrs. Parker (  If transportation is a problem, please inform Mrs. Parker. Discuss with your child in advance as to how your child will get to and from the performances (Come out and support our NE students!).  

If your child does not attend the performance, he/she/they is/are affecting the ensemble and will no longer be allowed to participate in the Choruses (an illness or emergency will be considered should it arise). 

Chorus students are required to attend the evening concerts held during the year: a winter concert (Thursday, December 7, 2023, 7 PM) and a spring concert (Thursday, May 23, 2024, 7 PM).  

Chorus students who are also members of the auditioned extracurricular after school auditioned vocal groups have an additional concerts on (with more dates to come)

Thursday, September 28, 2023 (Hispanic Heritage Festival at Broughal, 5-8 PM)

Sunday, October 15, 2023 (NEMS at Phantoms Hockey Game)

Sunday, November 12, 2023 (Salute the Troops Concert with the Allentown Band, to be held at NEMS) 

Sunday, December 10, 2023 (Caroling with the BPD Horses)

Thursday, December 21, 2023 (Caroling in the LV) 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 7 PM (NEMS Vocal Ensembles Concert)

Northeast Singers and their families:  stay connected with NEBOPO with regards to our Music in the Parks trip this year on May 17-18, 2024.  Updates occur throughout the year in regards to payment, meetings, etc.  Families, please be sure to be proactive in communication with NEBOPO in regards to the Music in the Parks trip. 

At Northeast, to participate in an extracurricular activity such as the choral groups, a student must meet specific standards in academic and related arts courses, as well as in citizenship during the previous grading period.  These standards are as follows:

ACADEMIC STANDARDS:  a student will be ineligible for participation if he/she does not pass four full academic courses (or the equivalent).  Any student failing to meet this standard will be on probation fifteen days of the next grading period.  If the eligibility standard is not attained, the student may attend practice but may not perform.  Students and families, please check with both your Core/Encore teachers and Schoology regarding the status of your grades, please.  Don’t be surprised by how you are performing at school. 

DISCIPLINARY STANDARDS:  A student placed on in or out of school suspension may not represent the school in a performance during the suspension.  For each succeeding suspension, the student may not participate during the suspension plus an additional 10 days.

ATTENDANCE STANDARDS:  Students who are absent from school may not participate in a practice or performance on the day of the absence without administrative approval.

CONCERT ATTIRE:  Concert attire usually consists of a uniform look that presents a formal and professional image of the Chorus.  The following list explains what your child will be wearing for concerts.  You have until December to find or borrow these items (consignment shops and thrift stores are great places to find clothing for your child).  Please see Mrs. Parker if getting any of these items presents a problem for you.

Girls:  Long black pants/black capri pants/black jeans/black knee-length skirts, white shirt, black shoes/sneakers

Boys:  Black pants/jeans, white shirt, black socks, black shoes/sneakers

Thank you, in advance, for your time and talent.  Thank you for making us NORTHEAST PROUD throughout this school year!


NEMS Vocal Music Department