Industrial Arts/Technology Education

P.U.M.A.S. - Technology

The Technology Education experience at Northeast Middle School is a one of a kind experience that instills problem solving and life skills into each student that passes through its doors. Not only are students learning basic woodworking and engineering skills, but they are also learning how to approach a problem and work their way through to a solution. Students are encouraged to use problem-solving skills to solve issues throughout the course of the thirty-day rotation, not only in reference to their specific project but in the overall class as well.

Technological Literacy is a term that is defined as being able to use, understand, evaluate, and apply technology. Students at Northeast are taught how to be technologically literate by learning the basic skills and mechanics behind the new technology in today’s society. Students are taught small lessons in consumer knowledge, home tool applications, and basic engineering, just to name a few.

Each year in the Tech Ed program offers each student new and exciting opportunities that build on the their knowledge from the previous year. Our goal is to instill technological literacy into our students, while maintaining a tight connection with their core academic classes. As related arts teachers we feel it is our duty to not only support the material being taught in the academic subjects, but also to instruct the students on how to apply that academic knowledge to everyday situations and projects.

Contact Information:

Mr. Gough -

Millersville University - BS in Technology Education

Mr. Carlstrom -