
What is District Choir festival? 

A choir festival is a chance for our choirs to perform the pieces they've been working on this term for an audience of their choral peers. They also receive feedback from highly qualified choral music educators who evaluate each choir based on a specific rubric designed for JHS choirs. Not only that, but we get a chance to see the other choirs from schools all over the district perform and receive a taste of what kind of music and performance skills are being taught and emphasized in other schools.  Music at a festival is more often focused on traditional choral literature and standards, such as folk music, world music, secular classical music and sacred music.

March 16th Festival

March 21st Festival

***Final Note: this is a special privilege and we really need EVERY student to perform at festival, but school work should come first. You should be able to make both work. Please check with your teachers if you're going to miss any tests or other assignments that day and make sure you know what to do to make up your work. If any student has a grade lower than a "D" in any of the classes they will be missing for festival, I would prefer they do NOT attend festival unless they've cleared it with their teacher.