
PTO membership is a great way to promote programs that enhance the educational experience of our children. All families are encouraged to become members.

Our membership fee supports school activities, family-fun events, outreach, staff appreciation, and much more! Becoming a PTO member allows you to have a say in planning these extracurricular events.

Click on the links on the right, under the BECOME A MEMBER section.

Benefits of Joining the PTO

PTO enrichment and social activities benefit students by enhancing self esteem and improving social skills. PTO Members have a voice in planning extra-classroom activities for students.

The PTO provides opportunities for involvement in your child's extracurricular activities. Studies have shown that family engagement greatly improves student achievement in the classroom and the future. Children also benefit from seeing their families participating in activities in their school environment, where they spend so much of their time every week.

PTO events allow you to get to know your child's friends, teachers and other families in Alexandria Township, all of which contribute to his/her sense of belonging — of special importance to families new to the school district.

As an added bonus, Members join our digital PTO Directory, which contains family contact information and is our primary means for email communications.



Step 1. Complete Form

Print out and and complete Membership Form. Please be sure to include all information requested.

PTO Membership Form

Step 2. Send Form + Payment

Forward PAPER Form & Membership Fee as cash or check (payable to Alexandria Twp PTO) via kidmail, or send in/drop off to the PTO Mailbox at LDW or AMS.

PTO Digital Directory information coming soon!