Aquaculture Tanks

Here at DEHS we offer many different programs such as Agriculture, Welding, Fine Arts, and many more. This is a page that represents the Aquaculture unit for Agriculture. This unit teaches students how to properly care for fish and aquatic plants. We also teach students a safe and clean way to fillet fish. We have 2 tanks Outside that hold Tilapia and 3 tanks Inside that hold a variety of fish such as Trout and Oscars.

Tilapia Tank

We have two of these larger tanks which are located in the greenhouse area at the West parking lot of the school.

Tilapia Filtration

Both of the outdoor tanks use this filtration system to keep the water clean and the fish healthy.

Catch Nets

We use these nets to take the fish out of the tanks and make sure they're healthy. We also use these when we need to clean the enclosures.

Shrimp tanks

The shrimp tanks are mini ecosystems. The shrimps clean the tanks themselves. The snails are used to feed Oscar and to sell to tropical fish aquarists to cleaan their tanks. There are a variety of colors like blue, red, and clear. The snails also eat the algae to keep the tank clean.

Oscars tank is a friendly tank for our Oscar Fish. He is 4 and a half inches long and 1 and a half inches wide. He is the class fish and eats the shrimp in ech of the tanks and or, or little fish. Oscar will eat anything that moves.

Trout Tanks

These tanks are showing us the differences between cold, warm, and room temperature tanks. So far we have received about 100 eggs from them. These fish are from lakes, so they help us see how these types of fish develop over time.