Remote Learning

COVID-19 Distance Learning Resources

Supporting Students' Science Learning During COVID-19 School Closures

During the COVID-19 crisis, many people are looking for helpful resources to support learning away from brick-and-mortar school buildings. Engaging in safe, meaningful science learning can be done in homes, neighborhoods, and in online/virtual learning environments.

The resources below were developed by members of the Council of State Science Supervisors (CoSSS). Each resource is guided by a focus on equity and is framed through a lens of socio-emotional health. They might be useful to educators and educational leaders to help chart the course in these very uncertain times.

NEW! Long-Term Supports for Extended School Closures

Immediate Supports

Additional versions of the family and student resources are available in a variety of languages (Arabic, Chuukese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalong, and Tongan) through the STEM Teaching Tools website:

These resources will continue to be updated over time, and others are in active development. Once complete, they'll be hosted on the STEM Teaching Tools website above.

Grades K-5 Science Networking

Grades K-5 Science Networking

Grades 6-12 Science Networking

Grades 6-12 Science Networking

MBAEA Science Online Resources 2020

MBAEA Science online resources