Blended Learning Format

Preparing to Teach OpenSciEd, an Open Education Resource (OER) NGSS-Designed Curriculum

This course will prepare teachers with the practical elements of enacting a curriculum for the first time and provide a vision for the long term goals of the OpenSciEd Project and the implementation of A Framework for K–12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

This blended learning platform includes two face-to-face days that occur in between three independently completed online learning sessions. The face-to-face days focus on facilitating key investigations and practicing student-centered instructional strategies unique to the curriculum. A "big picture" overview that highlights the coherence of the unit and use of anchor phenomenon is included in the learning.

Each unit training may be taken for one license renewal credit. To register for the unit training and read an overview of each unit, click the corresponding link in the section below.


All face-to-face days will be 8:30 am - 3:30 pm with one hour for lunch on your own.

Thermal Energy, 6th Grade (Design Badge Unit)

    • Day 2: Wednesday, 1/8/2020, MBAEA Bettendorf Office
    • Day 2: Monday, 2/2/2020, MBAEA Bettendorf Office

Metabolic Reactions, 7th Grade (High Quality NGSS Design)

    • Day 1: Tuesday, 12/17/19, MBAEA Bettendorf Office
    • Day 2: Tuesday, 1/14/20, MBAEA Bettendorf Office

Sound Waves, 8th Grade (Design Badge Unit)

    • Day 1: Wednesday, 12/18/19, MBAEA Bettendorf Office
    • Day 2: Monday, 1/27/20, MBAEA Bettendorf Office