
Six September Updates!

#1 MBAEA Science Website

Check out the new MBAEA Science Website to find resources related to the standards, assessments, instruction, remote learning, and more!

#2 #IAScienceChat Twitter Chats

Join science educators from across Iowa every third Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm to discuss topics such as 3D assessments, incorporating phenomena, self care, and more via Twitter. If you miss a chat and want to check out what resources were shared, search #IAScienceChat to find past threads. The next #IAScienceChat will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 20th at 7:30 and will explore the question, “How can you engage students in science labs during remote learning?”.

#3 Iowa Science Coaches Network

The first Iowa Science Coaches Network (ISCN) webinar will take place Tuesday, October 6th at 9am. The purposes of this network includes: providing support specific to the science standards and best practices, sharing resources for coaching and providing professional learning to science teachers, providing the time and space to ask questions of other coaches, and to provide new learning to members. To learn more and to join their mailing list, click here.

#4 MBAEA Return-to-Learn and Beyond Website

Mississippi Bend has recently released four self-paced professional learning playlists which include: Virtual and Blended Learning, Authentic Assessment and Learning, Maximizing Opportunities for Grade-Level Learning & Addressing Unfinished Learning, and Supporting SEBH in MTSS.

#5 Iowa PBS Seeking IA Science Teachers to Participate in Phenomena Cohort

Iowa PBS invites all Iowa science teachers to apply to participate in a professional development cohort exploring and capturing Iowa-based science phenomena. Collaborate with teachers across the state to find, capture and share local phenomena for the Iowa Science Phenomena website. Teachers selected will earn a stipend. Relicensure and graduate credit is available. Find out more here. *Applications will be accepted through October 16, 2020.

#6 "IMpACT"ing Science Standards Implementation

The Implementation Map for Administrators, Coaches and Teachers (IMpACT) is a tool designed as a self-reflection to assist in determination of the level of implementation of the Iowa Science Standards and the five innovations of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). These innovations include: the use of relevant phenomena, three-dimensional learning, coherence of instruction, integration of math and ELA, and a focus on addressing inequalities. Click here to access the implementation map, Quick Start Guide, Reflection Guide, and more.

Spring 2020

High Quality Open Education Curricular Resources



Several grade-band Facebook groups for Iowa Teachers have been started. Click to join. K-2 Science Teachers, 3-5 Science Teachers, 6-8 Science Teachers, 9-12 Science Teachers