FY'19 Budget Binder Table of Contents

Budget Revoted at Public Hearing

February 15, 2018

Budget Saturday

January 27, 2018

  1. Budget Saturday Superintendent's Message
  2. Financial Material
  3. Regional Analysis of Assessments (Table 6)
  4. MUNIS Budget Summary and Detail
  5. School Committee Budget Presentations
  6. Staffing Update: Staffing Memo, Personnel Requests and Rationale
  7. Organization Chart with FTE Counts
  8. Comparative Communities DESE Data
  9. Student Services Department Overview, Presentation and Program Descriptions
  10. Departmental Overviews and Presentations
  11. Special Revenue Funds Year End Balances - 5-Year history
  12. Selected Revolving Accounts Detail
  13. Capital Planning
  14. Enrollment
  15. Class Sizes
  16. Future Debt Service Schedules


17. Health Insurance Trust FY'17 Financial Statements and 11-30-17 Balance Sheet

18. OPEB Annual Review and Actuarial Valuation Information

19. Middlesex Retirement Appropriation by Unit

20. Building Project Presentation

21. Comparative Communities Subcommittee Report, 09-15-16

22. ABRSD Regional Agreement July 1, 2014

23. Master Plan Report - Executive Summary

24. ABRSD FY'17 Audit: Report on Examination of Basic Financial Statements, Year Ended June 30, 2017