Freeman Environmental Youth Council

The mission of the Freeman Environmental Youth Council is to promote environmental literacy and sustainability through youth advocacy and decisive action. We recognize the power of a passionate student collective to inspire, coordinate, and champion local initiatives to spark global change for future generations.

 The Freeman Environmental Youth Council is a districtwide leadership group that brings students together from all five AAPS high schools to collaborate around critical environmental issues that affect young people today and in the future. Youth Council members work together to promote environmental literacy and carry out action projects that demonstrate and engage our school communities in stewardship and sustainability practices.  

The Youth Council aims to support existing green clubs and district initiatives, as well as to organize its own annual service project or educational event. Students gain leadership, communication, and environmental advocacy skills as they carry out this important work.

The council functions within a “youth-adult partnership” framework, with students taking on legitimate leadership responsibilities and an adult liaison providing supervision, training, guidance, and resources. AAPS Environmental Education (EE) teacher, Coert Ambrosino, serves as the adult liaison. The Freeman EE Center is the council site for meetings, events, and projects. The A2SEEE Fund has provided financial support for Youth Council through its first five years!

After completion of the 2023-24 application process, 10 new members joined our council this year!

2023-2024 Youth Council Happenings

Thank you to everyone who came and took part in our first ever Freeman Spring Environmental Festival!

We appreciate all of the organizations who contributed to this event, including the Freeman Environmental Youth Council, VegMichigan (who also provided the food!), Ann Arbor Climate Corps, New Roots Institute, City of Ann Arbor NAP, and the Stewards Sustainability Leadership Institute.  

Thank you also to the A2SEEE Fund for providing financial support for Youth Council projects and events like this!

Freeman Environmental Youth Council at the 2024 A2 Climate Teach-In

Council members served as the opening speakers, introduced break-out sessions, and staffed a table during the networking session!

Bow drill demonstration during YC social event

Prepping a campfire to cook lunch during YC social event

"Human knot" ice breaker during YC meeting.

Collaborative planning with Ann Arbor Climate Corps AmeriCorps Members

January 2024 - Youth Council field trip to learn about the University of Michigan Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences Program!  

We appreciate the UM staff and students who hosted us and shared about their experience and research in the NERS program.

Thank you to Youth Council member Maisie Weyhing for organizing an informative workshop focused on the intersection of climate change and human health!

Youth Council members created this infographic on environmental careers and shared it with the counseling offices at AAPS high schools as a resource for interested students!

Environmental Career Infographic .pdf

October 2023 - Native Plant Seed Collection and Cleaning Workshop @ Freeman

Youth Council members dove into the world of native flower and grass seeds, practicing strategies for collection and processing.  Thank you to local park steward Jonathan Parker and Washtenaw County Parks naturalist Shawn Severance for facilitating a unique learning experience for our council!

2022-2023 Youth Council Happenings

YC organizes projects within three subcommittees: Advocacy & Action, Education, and Service.

"Solutions" Climate Change Mitigation Game

Our Advocacy & Action Subcommittee was awarded an AAPS Environmental Sustainability Mini-grant to purchase class sets of this educational game for middle and high school teachers to borrow.  The loaning system will be announced at the beginning of the 23-24 school year, and in the meantime, interested teachers can contact Youth Council liaison Coert Ambrosino ( for more information.

Cafeteria Waste Audits at Skyline, Huron and Pioneer

Our Service Subcommittee created a cafeteria waste audit kit, with the help of an AAPS Environmental Sustainability Mini-grant, and conducted audits at the three largest AAPS high schools.  You can find our analysis of the audit data here, in which we suggest ways we can reduce food and landfill waste in our high school cafeterias.

Guest UM student presentation on “Social Justice and Carbon Capture & Utilization”

Field trip to hear former Ireland President Mary Robinson speak in the 21st Peter M. Wege Lecture on Sustainability

Environmental Learning Activities for Elementary Students

Our Education Subcommittee planned three different environmental learning activities for elementary students and trialed them in a third grade classroom at Lawton Elementary.  These activities were shared with a larger audience at the Ann Arbor Earth Day Festival on April 23!

Big time thanks to Bill Schneider of Wildtype Native Plant Nursery for leading two workshops on native plant propagation for the Freeman Environmental Youth Council during the 21-22 school year!  What wonderful learning experiences for our students!

Past Youth Council Projects

Check out our 'Advocacy & Action' subcommittee's Composting and Recycling Newsletter!  

Lots of great information here!

Recycling and Composting Guide.pdf

In Spring 2022, Youth Council carried out planting events at Pioneer HS, Skyline HS, and the Freeman EE Center.  The oak saplings were propagated at Freeman from locally collected seed.

Youth Council hosts a booth at the 2022 Ann Arbor Earth Day Festival

Holiday Newsletter -2.pdf

Freeman Environmental Youth Council students working on ecological restoration projects in Spring 2021.

Seeding plug flats of native flowers

Clearing invasive shrubs

Planting oak and dogwood saplings

The Freeman Environmental Youth Council would like to thank everyone who took part in the Green Michigan Symposium!  We are grateful to all of the youth and adult presenters who contributed content.

Though you had to be there to participate in the Q&As and collaborative discussions, we recorded the presentations and are making them available on this Youtube playlist.