EE Volunteer Naturalists

Since the start of the Environmental Education program in 1960, community volunteers have been invaluable.  

Volunteer naturalists allow for small working groups in the field, giving students the attention and opportunity to focus needed to observe and engage with nature.  Without the help of our volunteers, most field trips would be ineffective, if not impossible. 

Why do they do it?  

We have over 25 active, trained volunteers, and we are so grateful for their contributions to our programming!

Volunteer Spotlights

Char Hanchak’s experience with the EE Program began as a chaperone when her children participated in environmental field trips with Bill Browning.  Later on, Char taught multi-age early elementary classrooms, Kindergarten, Reading Recovery, and Reading Intervention for 25 years at Ann Arbor Open, and her connection to the program grew as she saw her students blossoming during EE learning opportunities led by Bill Browning and Dave Szczygiel.  


When Char retired from the classroom, she joined a variety of outdoor field trips as a volunteer, which gave her the opportunity to continue to experience and explore the world with kids.  During the 2021-2022 school year, after the pandemic pause, volunteering on field trips made it possible to spend time with kids in the out-of-doors and get back to working with young learners, which had been an important part of her weekly routine. Char now regularly volunteers during 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade field trips.


Char is excited about the growth and development of the Freeman EE Center.  She has watched the native plant garden take over in a space at the entrance that was overgrown and dominated by ornamental plants. The opportunities for student learning both indoors and outside are rapidly becoming a reality, and Char continues to support these efforts by leading groups in the field and contributing to other volunteer projects on site.


Thank you, Char!

Karen Ellis has two children in AAPS, and her first experience with the EE Program came during a classroom visit in her son’s Kindergarten room. After sharing some of her own knowledge about Michigan animals, we quickly recruited her to join our volunteer ranks!

Karen has a background in geology, oceanography, and environmental studies. As a graduate student, she served as a teaching assistant for introductory-level environmental science and climate science lab courses. This experience helped her realize her passion for teaching science in an accessible, hands-on way. She enjoys participating in field trips at all grade levels and says she has learned as much and had as much fun as the students she guides in the field! 


Although the 21-22 school year was the first year that Karen served as an EE Program naturalist, she has already volunteered on more than 50 field trips.  Wow! In addition to these contributions, Karen spends time volunteering at her children's school. She also enjoys hiking, rock hunting, baking, reading, and spending time with her family.

Thank you, Karen!

Russ Perigo began volunteering for the AAPS EE Program after attending a field trip with his son in 1999. Before retirement, Russ spent his career working as a geophysicist and geologist, using specialized equipment such as imaging radar and satellites for various measurement and mapping applications.

Russ is an extremely generous volunteer, assisting with dozens of EE trips every school year. You can find him on almost every geology trip, guiding students through local gravel pits, identifying rock specimens, and sharing his infectious passion for geology. He is also a regular volunteer for sixth grade Urban Hydrology trips, where he teaches students about the impacts of stormwater runoff through a series of erosion experiments.

In addition to his regular volunteering, Russ serves as an expert consultant for the EE Program, providing advice and feedback on curriculum and instructional resource development.

We thank you for all of your contributions, Russ!

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Judy and Manfred Schmidt are dedicated volunteers and stewards of the environment!  They started volunteering on AAPS EE field trips in 1997, and continue to find tremendous joy in sharing their love of the natural world with students.

Since the 1970s, Judy and Manfred have devoted themselves to the sustained health of the ecosystems in Scarlett-Mitchell Nature Area, including the restoration of the pond. Today, students continue to walk the woods and survey the pond on field trips. Judy and Manfred have also volunteered thousands of hours promoting and assisting Ann Arbor’s Natural Area Preservation. They were recognized for their dedication to environmental preservation and education in 2010 with an honorary proclamation from the City of Ann Arbor.

Judy is retired from AAPS, where she served as a librarian at Clague. She is an active member of the Ann Arbor Storytellers Guild and an avid quilter. Manfred has retired from landscaping but continues to do much of the same physically challenging work as part of his volunteer efforts. 

Thank you, Judy and Manfred!

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Tom Jameson celebrated his 2,000th trip in January of 2016! 

Fifth graders from Pittsfield Elementary thanked Tom with a song of gratitude called "You know you did a good job!"  At the winter potluck,Tom shared his cake and presents with other volunteers and a good time was had by all. 

Thank you, Tom!


Jane Hayes has volunteered for AAPS Environmental Education since 2003. In 2011, Jane began leading trips as part of the EE staff.

Jane’s background is in environmental policy, nautical charts, and nature interpretation. She loves sharing outdoor discoveries with children and, in addition to exploring the outdoors with students in the EE program, Jane helps lead nature programs at Camp Michitanki for children who have had organ transplants.  Jane wants to see students understand the link between classroom science and themselves in the real world, and to be empowered by what they know.

Thank you, Jane!


Kathy Claflin has volunteered for EE since 1985.  For 8 years, Kathy also served as the Environmental Education Specialist, running field trips throughout the AAPS district.  

Kathy loves exploring our local areas with students and sharing their excitement as they make new discoveries. She believes it is vitally important that all children have the opportunity to spend time out in the woods, fields and wetlands if we want them to value our natural world as adults.  Kathy's other interests include the Eddy Discovery Center where she serves on the board of the Waterloo Natural History Association, organizes the public programs, and oversees the gift shop. She also enjoys gardening, traveling, learning Spanish, and spending time with her kids and grandkids. She and her husband Lathe are happy to be spending their retirement years living in the Waterloo Recreation Area.

Thank you, Kathy!


Clark McCall has volunteered for EE since 2013.  He likes all of the types of EE trips he has participated in, especially winter survival.  Working with the EE program provides a chance to share his enthusiasm for being outside with a new generation of students.  

Clark's background is in engineering.  He also volunteers with Common Cycle, a non-profit group in Ann Arbor that helps people learn how to repair their bicycles.  On Sunday afternoons in warm weather you can often find him at their outdoor workshop at Kerrytown helping people with their bikes.  He enjoys riding his bike everywhere.  As one small step toward a sustainable world, he would like to see more people riding their bikes.

Thank you, Clark!



Environmental Ed Volunteer Naturalists are a special community.  A shared love of the natural world and the joy that comes from working with children brings us together.  As one of the volunteers noted at a recent potluck, "It's just a really nice bunch of folks."  

When one of our members passes, we share a sadness, but also a deep appreciation for a life well lived.  Following are volunteers who have died in the past few years.  They are missed.

Dorothy Blanchard -  Obituary 

Donald Botsford -  Obituary 

Mike Conboy - Obituary

Joan Doman -  Obituary 

Marilee Kelly -  Obituary 

Don Botsford guiding students at the farm at Kensington in 2005

Think you've got what it takes to become an EE Volunteer Naturalist?  Contact Dave Szczygiel at 734-368-5539 or or Coert Ambrosino at 734-474-5277 or to learn more. After a background check, new volunteers participate in an orientation with EE staff and shadow established naturalists on field trips that might be of interest.   Trips run throughout the school year, and the number and type of trips you participate in is up to you.