
Our math program is called Learn Zillion. It has been adopted by the 4j District in 2017. It is aligned with Common Core Standards.

You can find the website at this link: LearnZillion.

You can also find the overview of Grade 2 Major, Supporting, and Additional Work here.

Mental math strategies to review at home. the kids know the names in French. :)

#1 DĂ©composer (decomposing)

32 + 45 =

30 + 40 = 70 (tens)

2 + 5 = 7 (ones)

70 + 7 = 77

45 - 32 =

40 - 30 = 10

5 - 2 = 3

10 + 3 (because we put together 10 and 3) = 13

#2: Grille de 100 (hundred chart) We decompose the 2nd addend.

42 + 35 =

42 + 30 = 72

72 + 5 =77

42 - 35 = This is to be used when we CANT use strategy #1 with the ones (we can't do 2-5...)

42 - 30 = 12

12 - 5 = 7

#3 A la dizaine (go to a ten-it's also compensation)

49 + 32 =

50 + 32 = 82

82 -1 = 81

or 50 + 31 = 81 (compensation-we take one away to give it to the other one)

49 - 32 = if we give to one, we give to both.

50 - 33 = (hundred chart strategy to solve)

50 - 30 = 20

20 - 3 = 17

51 - 32 =

50 - 32 =

50 - 30 = 20

20 - 2 = 18

18 + 1 = 19 (because we still had 1 from the 51)


50 - 31 = (I take away 1 from both right away)

50 - 30 = 20

20 - 1 = 19

Place value

Number Puzzle Frames.pdf

Directions for the puzzles

  • +1 to the right,
  • -1 to the left
  • +10 going down
  • -10 going up
  • print it, wipe it out and make your own :)
number Puzzles.pdf

Directions for the puzzles

  • +1 to the right,
  • -1 to the left
  • +10 going down
  • -10 going up
Puzzle Pieces - Hundreds Board.pages
+10, -10.pdf


jeu_Multiples of 10.pdf

battle ship game with cards

Place value battleship.docx

a handy dandy hundred chart

U08_L04 Hundred Chart.docx


Fraction takes a HUGE portion of the time in 3rd grade. I like to give my students and my 3rd grade colleague a head-up about them.

When we go back to school, we will spend a lot of time on this.


  • understanding that a fraction is an EQUAL part of a whole.
  • writing a fraction, 'reading' a fraction (being able to say it)
  • 2nd grade goal (but I usually push them further:) is to just have them understand what 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 is.

The language I use is to say about 1/3 for example: we cut it in 3 equal parts and I take one...ALWAYS start with the denominator (bottom number) please.


Prodigy classe bleue code: 0C483A4

Classe Bleue

Prodigy: log in info

prodigy log in CB 20-21.docx

Prodigy classe rouge code: 071F127

Classe Rouge

Prodigy: log in info

prodigy log in CR 20-21.docx