
Check out more photos under the "pictures" tab.

STEM Bin Fridays!

Students made bouquets for their caregivers to celebrate Mother's Day! 

Our plants we are growing! Brassica and Marigolds.

Weekly Updates:

Please check this page every week by Monday at 4:00pm. 


Check out our subpage "contacts" to find our emails, our intern's info and the 2nd grade directory.

In need of host families:

Our Amity interns are a huge part of our school. Thanks to them, teachers in grades 2-5 can differentiate their instruction and students can experience more French speaking.

We could not do this program without host families who agree to host them for about 3 months.

There is always a need for more families.

The requirements are:

-       Transporting the intern to and from school,

-       Offering her own room,

-       Offering 3 meals a day

The host families don’t have to be part of our Charlemagne community. So tell friends, neighbors, family members.

If you have an interest in hosting, please reach out to our host family coordinator, Rachel Buciarski (Charlemagne parent) at


Calendar Reminders: 

Week of 5/13-5/17:

Red Class will start in Mme Sion's class.

Blue class will start in Mme Kim's class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  

English: Kate our Student teacher is teaching full time on the English side. 

Fundations: We are continuing Unit 11, ee and ea sounds. Dictation test is on Wednesday.

Reading/ Writing:  We are continuing mystery this week. Students are reading a mystery book during stations as well as writing their own mysteries. In addition, students are being detectives themselves solving our 'Stolen Time' mystery.

Science:  Plants and Insects: We will be exploring the life cycle of different plants and insects. We are learning about meal worms, butterflies, owls and plants. This week Blue class will learn about the different organisms body structures. Also, we released our butterflies last friday. Our mealworms are in their pupa stage and are plants are growing too! 

SEL:  Kids are coming up with their own goals. Some have been quiet in line, self compassion, kind words and touching our friends with consent. 


sound of week: c/qu/k sound

vocab :

Writing /Reading: a book about life cycle of animals (mammals, reptiles, birds, insects) to connect with Mme Kim's science unit. 

vocab words: 

noms: les feuilles, une graine, des insectes, le sol, la terre, une pousse, des racines, la tige, la fleur, la plante, un fruit

adj.: très, petit, gros

verbes: se transforme, plante, grandit, pousse, apparaît, donne, attends

Grammar: using transitional words (d'abord, et puis, ensuite)

Math: Fractions

Key concepts: 

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: 43 + ? = 89

using 'anchor' numbers to reach 89

examples: 43 + 7 = 50

50 + 30 = 80

80 + 9 = 89

or... 43 + 40 = 83

83 + 6 = 89

Art: Meet the Masters: Pop Art: Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol and Keith HaringWeek of 4/29-5/3:

Red Class will start in Mme Sion's class.

Blue class will start in Mme Kim's class.


Week of 5/6-5/10:

Red Class will start in Mme Kim's class.

Blue class will start in Mme Sion's class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  

English: Kate our Student teacher is teaching full time on the English side. 

Fundations: We are starting Unit 11, ee and ea sounds.

Reading/ Writing:  We are starting mystery this week! Students will be reading a mystery book as well as creating their own mysteries with the help of a story structure chart in order to understand the necessary elements that make up a mystery story.

Science:  Plants and Insects: We will be exploring the life cycle of different plants and insects. We are learning about meal worms, butterflies, owls and plants. This week Red class will learn about the different organisms body structures. Also, our butterflies are hatching from their cocoons and our mealworms are in their pupa stage! Are plants are growing too! 

SEL:  Kids are coming up with their own goals. Some have been quiet in line, self compassion, kind words and touching our friends with consent. 


Camille is going to teach each group a French poem in honor of poetry month and to connect with Mme Kim's poetry unit.

sound of week: / (pause)

vocab :

Writing /Reading: a book about life cycle of a secret plant to connect with Mme Kim's science unit. Week 2

vocab words: 

noms: les feuilles, une graine, des insectes, le sol, la terre, une pousse, des racines, la tige, la fleur, la plante, un fruit

adj.: très, petit, gros

verbes: se transforme, plante, grandit, apparaît, donne

Grammar: using transitional words (d'abord, et puis, ensuite)

Math: Fractions

Key concepts: 

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: 43 + ? = 89

using 'anchor' numbers to reach 89

examples: 43 + 7 = 50

50 + 30 = 80

80 + 9 = 89

or... 43 + 40 = 83

83 + 6 = 89

Art: Meet the Masters: Pop Art: Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol and Keith HaringWeek of 4/29-5/3:

Red Class will start in Mme Sion's class.

Blue class will start in Mme Kim's class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  

Artist in Residence starts this week: wire art. 

English: Kate our Student teacher is teaching full time on the English side. 

Fundations: We have our Unit 10 Test on Wednesday ai and ay sounds in words

Reading/ Writing:  We are finishing our Poetry unit.  Students will write a final draft of a poem that will go in our class poetry book. 

Science:  Plants and Insects: We will be exploring the life cycle of different plants and insects. We are learning about meal worms, butterflies,  owls and plants. 

SEL:  Kids are coming up with their own goals. Some have been quiet in line, self compassion, kind words and touching our friends with consent. 


sound of week: "er/ez" (= long 'a' in English) week 2

vocab : (-er at the end, the word is masculin) basic fruit trees (fruit + ier) un pommier, un poirier, un cerisier, un fraisier, un écolier, un pompier, le cahier

Writing /Reading: a book about life cycle of a plant to connect with Mme Kim's science unit.

vocab words: 

noms: les feuilles, une graine, des insectes, le sol, la terre, une pousse, des racines, la tige, la fleur, la plante, un fruit

adj.: très, petit, gros

verbes: se transforme, plante, grandit, apparaît, donne

Grammar: using transitional words (d'abord, et puis, ensuite)

Math: U13: arrays to explore and understanding the concept of multiplying. 

Key concepts: 

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: 43 + ? = 89

using 'anchor' numbers to reach 89

examples: 43 + 7 = 50

50 + 30 = 80

80 + 9 = 89

or... 43 + 40 = 83

83 + 6 = 89

Art: Meet the Masters: Pop Art: Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol and Keith Haring

Week of 4/22-4/27:

Red Class will start in Mme Kim class.

Blue class will start in Mme Sion class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  

English: Kate our Student teacher is teaching full time on the English side. 

Fundations: We started Unit 10 ai and ay. This includes homophones like main and mane. 

Reading/ Writing:  We are continuing our Poetry unit. Students will write a new poem a day. They will publish a class poetry book. We will also be reading and analyzing poetry. 

Science:  Plants and Insects: We will be exploring the life cycle of different plants and insects. 

SEL:  Kids are coming up with their own goals. Some have been quiet in line, self compassion, kind words and touching our friends with consent. 


sound of week: "er/ez" (= long 'a' in English) week 1

vocab : (-er at the end, the word is masculin) basic fruit trees (fruit + ier) un pommier, un poirier, un cerisier, un fraisier, un écolier, un pompier, le cahier

Writing /Reading: a book about life cycle to connect with Mme Kim's science unit.


Grammar: using transitional words (d'abord, et puis, ensuite)

Math: U13: arrays to explore and understanding the concept of multiplying. 

Key concepts: 

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: 43 + ? = 89

using 'anchor' numbers to reach 89

examples: 43 + 7 = 50

50 + 30 = 80

80 + 9 = 89

or... 43 + 40 = 83

83 + 6 = 89

Art: Meet the Masters: Pop Art: Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol and Keith Haring


Week of 4/15-4/19:

Blue Class will start in Mme Kim class.

Red class will start in Mme Sion class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations: We started Unit 10. Spelling words with er, ir, ur. Kids should know how to spell: termite, sturdy, chapter, third, and dirty. 

Reading/ Writing:  We ended our Polar unit and will now start our Poetry unit. Students will write a new poem a day. They will publish a class poetry book. We will also be reading and analyzing poetry. 

Science:  Plants and Insects: We will be exploring the life cycle of different plants and insects. 

SEL:  Kids are coming up with their own goals. Some have been quiet in line, self compassion, kind words and touching our friends with consent. 


sound of week: "ai,ei,et" = "è" week 2 

vocab : mais, un aigle, du lait, le capitaine, une fraise, la chaise, une aile, je fais, j'aime, la baleine, la neige,  perroquet, poulet

Writing /Reading: a book about how animals survive winter: hibernation, migration, adaptation


Grammar: /

Math: U9: Reading and representing data on a graph

Key concepts: 

We can generate measurement data by measuring several objects.

We can display measurement data by making a line plot.

We can display data by making a picture graph and bar graph.

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: 43 + ? = 89

using 'anchor' numbers to reach 89

examples: 43 + 7 = 50

50 + 30 = 80

80 + 9 = 89

or... 43 + 40 = 83

83 + 6 = 89

Art: Meet the Masters: Pop Art: Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol and Keith Haring


Calendar Reminders: 

We have had Pokemon cards appearing at recess and lunch. Please remind students to not bring them to school. If they are bringing them for fun club, they must remain in backpack during school hours. 

Week of 3/18-3/22:

Blue Class will start in Mme Sion class.

Red class will start in Mme Kim class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations: Week 1 of unit 9: Tests and homework went home Friday 3/15.. Unit 9 will be two weeks long ending with spring break. We are learning all the R controlled vowels:, ir, ur, er

Reading/ Writing:  We are now starting a Polar unit. We learn about both Arctic and Antarctica. We read together "Where do Polar bears live.?" Students are reading books all about different aspects of the polar regions in smail groups.  They will also be writing a Polar animal research paper. Students chose a polar animal. We are researching: anatomy. diet, habitat, and interesting facts. 

Science: Solids and Liquids: Students will spend winter learning about Solids and Liquids. Our student teacher Mme Kate will be teaching this unit.Students have moved on to learning  about Liquids.

SEL:  Kids are coming up with their own goals. Some have been quiet in line, self compassion, kind words and touching our friends with consent. 


sound of week: "eau" = "o" week 2 (always at the end of the word and masculine except for l'eau)

vocab : l'eau, beau, un chapeau, un château, un bateau, un oiseau, un couteau, un chameau, 

Writing /Reading: Review week of sounds 'an', 'au', 'in/ain',


Grammar: et/est 

Math: U4: Reading an analog clock to the nearest 5 minutes. 

key concepts: 

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: 43 + ? = 89

using 'anchor' numbers to reach 89

examples: 43 + 7 = 50

50 + 30 = 80

80 + 9 = 89

or... 43 + 40 = 83

83 + 6 = 89

Art: Meet the Masters: Arctic polar bear craft. This is in connection with Mme Kim's polar unit.


Week of 3/04-3/08:

Blue Class will start in Mme Sion class.

Red class will start in Mme Kim class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations: Week 3 of Unit 7 unit test this week. 

Reading/ Writing: Civil Rights: We will analyze to texts about Martin Luther Kings Jr and then write a paragraph talking about his main concerns and wants for a better country  We will also read books about Marching for civil rights and voting. 

Science: Solids and Liquids: Students will spend winter learning about Solids and Liquids. Our student teacher Mme Kate will be teaching this unit. Our first topic is the properties of Solids. 

SEL:  Kids are coming up with their own goals. 


sound of week: 'au' week 2

vocab.: le dinosaure, la chaussure, une autruche, le dauphin, la crapaud, saute,

other: aussi, jaune, chaud, faux, haut, 

Writing /Reading: fiction story about a family making a surprise dinner for mom


Sentence structure: 

ex. Est-ce que tu as besoin de...?     

Oui, J'ai besoin de...

Non, merci.

Grammar: using to need in the 1st and 2nd person singular (j'ai/tu as besoin de )

Math: U2: Exploring standard units of length:

key concepts:

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: 43 + ? = 89

using 'anchor' numbers to reach 89

examples: 43 + 7 = 50

50 + 30 = 80

80 + 9 = 89

or... 43 + 40 = 83

83 + 6 = 89

Art: Meet the Masters: We are going to do a dive into Pop Art with different artists: Roy Lichtenstein, Any Warhol, Keith Haring. 


Calendar Reminders: 

Artist in Residence (salsa dancing) Look at some pictures under "photos" subpage. More to come...

Math Festival: Feb. 24th: 10-1pm @ UO

Black History Celebration Walk: 3/01 at 9:15. Background checked volunteers needed to walk along with us.

Math-a-ton (fundraiser): packets went home Friday 2/23. Due date: 3/08. Merci.

Week of 2/26-3/01:

Black History Celebration Walk: 3/01 at 9:15.

Blue Class will start in Mme Kim class.

Red class will start in Mme Sion class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations: Week 3 of Unit 7 unit test this week. 

Reading/ Writing: Civil Rights: We will analyze to texts about Martin Luther Kings Jr and then write a paragraph talking about his main concerns and wants for a better country  We will also read books about Marching for civil rights and voting. 

Science: Solids and Liquids: Students will spend winter learning about Solids and Liquids. Our student teacher Mme Kate will be teaching this unit. Our first topic is the properties of Solids. 

SEL:  Kids are coming up with their own goals. 


sound of week: 'au' week 1

vocab.: le dinosaure, la chaussure, une autruche, le dauphin, la crapaud, saute,

other: aussi, jaune, chaud, faux, haut, 

Writing /Reading: fiction story about a family making a surprise dinner for mom


Sentence structure: 

ex. Est-ce que tu as besoin de...?     

Oui, J'ai besoin de...

Non, merci.

Grammar: using to need in the 1st and 2nd person singular (j'ai/tu as besoin de )

Math: U2: Exploring standard units of length:

key concepts:

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: 43 + ? = 89

using 'anchor' numbers to reach 89

examples: 43 + 7 = 50

50 + 30 = 80

80 + 9 = 89

or... 43 + 40 = 83

83 + 6 = 89

Art: Meet the Masters: Alma Thomas (our first woman and our first black artist !)  


Week of 2/19-2/23: There is School this Monday.  Friday we will start our first Arts in Resident Salsa Dancing 

Blue Class will start in Mme Sion class.

Red class will start in Mme Kim class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations: Week 3 of Unit 7 open and closed syllables and y making i sound and e sound as a vowel. Now we will add ending ly and new prefixes and suffixes. 

Reading/ Writing:. Civil Rights: We will analyzee to texts about Martin Luther Kings Jr and then write a paragraph talking about his main concerns and wants for a better country  We will also read books about Marching for civil rights and voting. 

Science: Solids and Liquids: Students will spend winter learning about Solids and Liquids. Our student teacher Mme Kate will be teaching this unit. Our first topic is the properties of Solids. 

SEL:  Kids are coming up with their own goals. 


sound of week: 'oin' week 1

vocab.: le point, le coin, moins, loin, du foin, prend soin de , besoin de,


Writing /Reading: fiction story

goal: generating verbs  + starts to conjugate at the 3rd singular person

Sentence structure: (animal) qui (verb), ça n'existe pas 

ex. un poisson qui grimpe dans l'arbre, ça n'existe pas.

Grammar: adding 'e' at the end of the verb for the 3rd person form + using "qui" to practice compound sentence.

Math: U3: Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.

S.MP.5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Students will use number lines as a tool to anchor addition and subtraction work.

Type of equation: A + ? = B

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: 43 + ? = 89

using 'anchor' numbers to reach 89

examples: 43 + 7 = 50

50 + 30 = 80

80 + 9 = 89

or... 43 + 40 = 83

83 + 6 = 89

Art: Meet the Masters: Pablo Picasso

Week of 2/12-2/16

Blue Class will start in Mme Kim class.

Red class will start in Mme Sion class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations: Started Unit 7 open and closed syllaples and y making i sound and e sound as a vowel. 

Reading/ Writing:. We are finishing our personal narrative and will be posted with the kids working on a class paper mural of Ruby Bridges. We will keep this up in the hallway to help celebrate Ruby Bridges this month.  We will start MLK Jr. with his speech. 

Science: Solids and Liquids: Students will spend winter learning about Solids and Liquids. Our student teacher Mme Kate will be teaching this unit. Our first topic is the properties of Solids. 

SEL:  Last weeks goal was self compassion. One of our students requested this. We are working on ways to be kinder to ourselves. 


sound of week: 'oin' week 1

vocab.: le point, le coin, moins, loin, du foin, prend soin de , besoin de,


Writing /Reading: fiction story

goal: generating verbs  + starts to conjugate at the 3rd singular person

Sentence structure: (animal) qui (verb), ça n'existe pas 

ex. un poisson qui grimpe dans l'arbre, ça n'existe pas.

Grammar: adding 'e' at the end of the verb for the 3rd person form + using "qui" to practice compound sentence.

Math: U3: Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.

S.MP.5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Students will use number lines as a tool to anchor addition and subtraction work.

Type of equation: A + ? = B

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: 43 + ? = 89

using 'anchor' numbers to reach 89

examples: 43 + 7 = 50

50 + 30 = 80

80 + 9 = 89

or... 43 + 40 = 83

83 + 6 = 89

Art: Meet the Masters: Pablo Picasso


Week of 2/05-2/09

Red Class will start in Mme Kim class.

Blue class will start in Mme Sion class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations: Unit 6 Silent E, multi-syllable words with the vowel controlled e or Silent e, glued exception" ive" words. Test this Wednesday. Sorry no homework for this unit. Homework will start after unit 6 test results. 

Reading/ Writing:. We will be discussing Ruby Bridges. We will read two stories to understand her perspective and then we write a personal narrative being Ruby Bridges and walking in to school on her first day. 

Science: Solids and Liquids: Students will spend winter learning about Solids and Liquids. Our student teacher Mme Kate will be teaching this unit. Our first topic is the properties of Solids. 

SEL: Students are making goals for the class each week. We talk about this at the beginning of the week. I then incorporate new skills to help them meet this goal. Last weeks goal was being quiet and they participated in mindful looking activity. The other was being kind to friends on the play ground. We talked about noticing what your friends needs are and playing a game that they want to play or listening to a friends story. 


sound of week: 'oi' week 2

vocab.: boire , roi , étoile, poisson, framboise*, poire, voiture, mouchoir

other: noir, trois, moi, toi

Writing /Reading: how animals move (goal: generating verbs  + starts to conjugate)

Grammar: adding 'ent' at the end of the verb for the plural form

Verbs: rampent, grimpent, marchent, courent, nagent, volent, sautent

Math: U3: Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.

S.MP.5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Students will use number lines as a tool to anchor addition and subtraction work.

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: 43 + ? = 89

using 'anchor' numbers to reach 89

examples: 43 + 7 = 50

50 + 30 = 80

80 + 9 = 89

or... 43 + 40 = 83

83 + 6 = 89

Art: Meet the Masters: Pablo Picasso


Week of 1/29-2/02

Red Class will start in Mme Sion class.

Blue class will start in Mme Kim class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations: Unit 6 Silent E, multi-syllable words with the vowel controlled e or Silent e, glued exception" ive" words. Test this Wednesday. Sorry no homework for this unit. Homework will start after unit 6 test results. 

Reading/ Writing:  We are starting our next module: Civil Rights. We will be discussing Ruby Bridges. We will read two stories to understand her perspective and then we write a personal narrative being Ruby Bridges and walking in to school on her first day. 

Science: Solids and Liquids: Students will spend winter learning about Solids and Liquids. Our student teacher Mme Kate will be teaching this unit. Our first topic is the properties of Solids. 

SEL: Students are making goals for the class each week. We talk about this at the beginning of the week. I then incorporate new skills to help them meet this goal. Last weeks goal was being quiet and they participated in mindful looking activity. The other was being kind to friends on the play ground. We talked about noticing what your friends needs are and playing a game that they want to play or listening to a friends story. 


sound of week: 'oi' week 1

vocab.: boire , roi , étoile, poisson, framboise*, poire, voiture, mouchoir

other: noir, trois, moi, toi

Writing /Reading: how animals move (goal: generating verbs  + starts to conjugate)

Grammar: adding 'ent' at the end of the verb for the plural form

Verbs: rampent, grimpent, marchent, courent, nagent, volent, sautent

Math: U3: Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.

S.MP.5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Students will use number lines as a tool to anchor addition and subtraction work.

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: 43 + ? = 89

using 'anchor' numbers to reach 89

examples: 43 + 7 = 50

50 + 30 = 80

80 + 9 = 89

or... 43 + 40 = 83

83 + 6 = 89

Art: Meet the Masters: Pablo Picasso


Week of 1/16-1/19: No School Monday MLK Jr.

Red Class will start in Mme Kim class.

Blue class will start in Mme Sion class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations: Unit 6 Silent E, multi-syllable words with the vowel controlled e or Silent e, glued exception" ive" words

Reading/ Writing:  We are starting our next module: Civil Rights. We will be discussing Ruby Bridges. We will read two stories to understand her perspective and then we write a personal narrative being Ruby Bridges and walking in to school on her first day. 

Science: Solids and Liquids: Students will spend winter learning about Solids and Liquids. Our student teacher Mme Kate will be teaching this unit. Our first topic is the properties of Solids. 

SEL: Students are making goals for the class each week. We talk about this at the beginning of the week. I then incorporate new skills to help them meet this goal. Last weeks goal was being quiet and they participated in mindful looking activity. The other was being kind to friends on the play ground. We talked about noticing what your friends needs are and playing a game that they want to play or listening to a friends story. 


sound of week: 'on' week 2

vocab.: un lion, un cochon, un dragon, un mouton, un avion, un camion, monter, une maison, un pantalon


Writing /Reading: how animals move (goal: generating verbs  + starts to conjugate)

Grammar: /

Math: U1 Adding and subtracting using place value: family facts

to solve X - 8 = 3 ==> 3 + 8 = X

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: Décomposer: 43 + 51 =  40+50  and 3+1

Art: Meet the Masters: Van Gogh


Week of 1/8-1/12:

Red Class will start in Mme Sion class.

Blue class will start in Mme Kimclass.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations: Unit 6 Silent E

Reading/ Writing:  We will be reading Poppelton in Winter and going over story structure and sequence of events. We will also be doing the district reading comprehension and vocabulary testing on Tuesday.  We will be reading a readers theater on the Poppelton book in small group. 

Science: Rocks, pebbles and silt: The end of the Rock pebble, silt unit. We will focus on soil and how humans use rock. 



sound of week: 'on' week 1

vocab.: un lion, un cochon, un dragon, un mouton, un avion, un camion, monter, une maison, un pantalon


Writing /Reading: how animals move (goal: generating verbs  + starts to conjugate)

Grammar: /

Math: U1 Adding and subtracting using place value: family facts

13 + 7 =  20 so 20 - 13 = 7 

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: Décomposer: 43 + 51 =  40+50  and 3+1

Art: Meet the Masters: Van Gogh


Week of 1/3-1/5:

Red Class will start in Mme Kim class.

Blue class will start in Mme Sion class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations: Unit 6 Silent E

Reading/ Writing:  We will be exploring New Years Around the world. We will write a personal narrative about New Years and make New Year resolution for School. 

Science: Rocks, pebbles and silt: The end of the Rock pebble, silt unit. We will focus on soil and how humans use rock. 

SEL: Goal Setting and Compassion 


sound of week: review of 'ou', 'an', 'in'


Writing /Reading: phonetic reading of those sounds 

Grammar: /

Math: U1 Adding and subtracting using place value

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: Décomposer: 43 + 51 =  40+50  and 3+1

Art: Meet the Masters: Van Gogh


Week of 12/11-12/15:

Red Class will start in Mme Sion class.

Blue class will start in Mme Kim class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations:  We are continuing unit 5 Multi syllable words. The test will be on Wednesday

Reading/ Writing:  We will be exploring the Winter Holidays around th world. 

Science: Rocks, pebbles and silt: The end of the Rock pebble, silt unit. We will focus on soil and how humans use rock. 

SEL: Bullying and Erin's Law


sound of week: ''ain' week 2


Writing /Reading: a book about feasting with families around the world

Grammar: /

Math: U1 Adding and subtracting using place value

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: Décomposer: 43 + 51 =  40+50  and 3+1

Art: Folding surprise


Week of 12/4-12/8

Red Class will start in Mme Kim class.

Blue class will start in Mme Sion class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations:  We are continuing unit 5 Multi syllable words. Using ic at the end of multi syllable words instead of ck. Introduction to new prefixes and suffixes. 

Reading/ Writing:  We are reading and examining the book Sky Tree. We are looking at art and color to explore how the tree changes through the seasons. 

Science: Rocks, pebbles and silt: The end of the Rock pebble, silt unit. We will focus on soil and how humans use rock. 

SEL: Bullying and Erin's Law


sound of week: ''ain' = 1


Writing /Reading: a book about transportation

Grammar: using the verb "je vais"+"chez/à"+ "en" (by+mode of transport)

Math: U1 Adding and subtracting using place value

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: "Amis de 10" (4 addends of 10)

Art: Meet the Masters: Monet


Week of 11/20-11/22: Parent Teacher Conferences 

Week of 11/13 -11/17

Red Class will start in Mme Sion class.

Blue class will start in Mme Kim class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations:  We are continuing unit 4. Suffixes: s, es, ed, and ing, er, est. Unit test will be on Wednesday. 

Reading/ Writing:  We are reading and examining a Non Fiction book titled Why do Leaves Change Colors?. We will be working on main idea and details and writing a paragraph about this.

Science: Rocks, pebbles and silt: They will learn about the rock cycle and whats the smallest rock? They will learn about boulders, pebbles gravel, sand and silt. And a spooky science on "Wednesday"

SEL: Gratitude 


sound of week: ''in' = 1


Writing Reading: a book about transportation

Grammar: using the verb "je vais"+"chez/à"+ "en" (by+mode of transport)

Math: U1 Adding and subtracting using place value

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: "Amis de 10" (4 addends of 10)

Art: Meet the Masters: Monet


Week of 11/6 -11/10

Red Class will start in Mme Kim class.

Blue class will start in Mme Sion class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations:  We are continuing unit 4. Suffixes: s, es, ed, and ing, er, est

Reading/ Writing:  Non Fiction book on how leaves change colors. We will be working on main idea and details and writing a paragraph about this.

Science: Rocks, pebbles and silt: They will learn about the rock cycle and whats the smallest rock? They will learn about boulders, pebbles gravel, sand and silt. And a spooky science on "Wednesday"

SEL: Gratitude 


sound of week: 'an/en week 2 


Writing Reading: review of learned sounds and French sight words 

Grammar: /

Math: U8: place value: using place value to add and subtract multiples of 10 and 100.

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: "Amis de 10" (4 addends of 10)

Art: Meet the Masters:/ no Friday art


Week of 10/23 -11/3

Red Class will start in Mme Sion class.

Blue class will start in Mme Kim class.

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations:  We are starting unit 4. Suffixes: s, es, ed, and ing 

Spooky Week: We will have fun spooky themed reading and writing all week. 

Science: Rocks, pebbles and silt: They will learn about the rock cycle and whats the smallest rock? They will learn about boulders, pebbles gravel, sand and silt. And a spooky science on "Wednesday"

SEL: Spooky Fun all week. 


sound of week: 'an/en

other: Halloween theme 

Writing /Reading: a book about Halloween

Grammar: /

Math: U8: place value: using place value to add and subtract multiples of 10 and 100.

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: "Amis de 10" (4 addends of 10)

Art: Halloween Symmetry 


Week of 10/23 -10/27

Red Class will start in Mme Kim class.

Blue class will start in Mme Sion class.

Note: Math tests went home. The scores mean: 2 = almost meeting, 3 = meeting. 

The curriculum does NOT have any option to give a 4 on a test. 

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations:  Unit 3Test this week.( This  unit was only one week). Test will be in their yellow folder this Friday. If their score is below 15 out of 20. They should do the homework packet. The homework should be broken up in 2 week increments, so that should be about 10 min a day 4-5 times a week. 

Seasons of Change (Whit and Wisdom):   Students will read Color of Change. They developing skills to write an informative paragraph about the text. They are working on learning story structure and understanding the important parts of the beginning, middle and end for their paragraph. The first paragraph will be going home about the poem Weather. The first two paragraphs will be ungraded because of how much support, I provide to learn how to write a paragraph. 

Science: Rocks, pebbles and silt: Students are learning properties of Rocks. 

SEL: Kindness: We are focusing on learning skills for Empathy. 


sound of week: ''g' = 'j

other:  'comme' = like

Writing /Reading: a book about colors. Structure is: "noun" is "color" "like" "noun". week 2

Grammar: noun + color

Math: U7: place value: ordering 3 digit numbers and comparing using >, <, =

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: "Amis de 10" (4 addends of 10)

Art: Meet the Masters Series: Matisse 2nd project


Week of 10/16 -10/20

Red Class will start in Mme Sion class.

Blue class will start in Mme Kim class.

Snacks:  We accept donations for the class. No nut please. We prefer single packaging healthy options. 

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations:  Unit 2 Test this week. Test will be in their yellow folder this week. If their score is below 15 out of 20. They should do the homework packet. The homework should be broken up in 2 week increments, so that should be about 10 min a day 4-5 times a week. 

Seasons of Change (Whit and Wisdom):   Students will read Color of Change. They developing skills to write an informative paragraph about the text. They are working on learning story structure and understanding the important parts of the beginning, middle and end for their paragraph. The first paragraph will be going home about the poem Weather. The first two paragraphs will be ungraded because of how much support, I provide to learn how to write a paragraph. 

Science: Rocks, pebbles and silt: Students are learning properties of Rocks. 

SEL: Kindness: We are focusing on learning skills for Empathy. 


sound of week: ''j'

other:  'comme' = like

Writing /Reading: a book about colors. Structure is: "noun" is "color" "like" "noun".

Grammar: noun + color

Math: U7: place value: decompose a 3 digit numbers into its expanded form: 136 = 100 + 30 + 6

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: "Amis de 10" (4 addends of 10)

Art: Meet the Masters Series: Matisse


NO SCHOOL 10/13/2023

Week of 10/8 -10/12

Red Class will start in Mme Kim class.

Blue class will start in Mme Sion class.

Snacks:  We accept donations for the class. No nut please. We prefer single packaging healthy options. 

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Fundations:  Students are working on glued sounds all, am, an and ing. They are also working on double letters F,l and S.  Examples

ball, Sam, Fan, cliff, boss, and fall. 

Seasons of Change (Whit and Wisdom):   Students are reading the Little Yellow Learf. They are writing about the beginning middle and end. 

Science: We will start our unit about rocks, pebbles and silt.  We are learning recording and observing. We will also learn the three main types of rocks and properties of rocks. 

SEL: Kindness and using Kind Words


sound of week: ''ou' (= oo)


Writing /Reading: a book about colors

Grammar: noun + color

Math: U6: place value

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: "Amis de 10" (2 addends of 10)

Art: warm/cold colors project


Week of 10/2 -10/6:

Red Class will start in Mme Sion class.

Blue class will start in Mme Kim's class.

Snacks:  We accept donations for the class. No nut please. We prefer single packaging healthy options. 

Weekly Learning Goals:  


Stations: Students will start stations. The first few days we will practice rotating. The end of the week we will be in full rotation cycle. 

Fundations:  Students unit 1 test went hone in Fridays folder. IF they received less then 15/20 they should be practicing at home. The packet will go home at the start of every unit if students score below 15. So homework practice should just take a 10 min each night.  Read the instructions and  it should be easy to follow along. We can discuss any problems during conferences. 

Seasons of Change (Whit and Wisdom):  Students anaylized a poem and wrote a paragraph about it last week. This week we will make a craftivity to hang in class. We will also start the next book The little Yellow Leaf. 

Social Studies: REd class took home thier flip book and Blue class will finish at begining of the week. Blue class will also start science. 

Science We will start our unit about rocks, pebbles and silt. 

SEL: Kindness .  


sound of week: ''ou' (= oo)


Writing /Reading: a book about colors

Grammar: noun + color

Math: U6: place value

Mental strategy/number talk strategy: "Amis de 10" (2 addends of 10)

Art: warm/cold colors project


Week of 9/18 -9/22:

Red Class will start in Mme Sion class.

Blue class will start in Mme Kim  class.

Snacks:  We will have 2 snacks during the day. The 2nd snack can be a finish your lunch snack. Please make sure your snacks are nut-free. We eat our snacks after recess.

PE: The students have PE daily from 12:50-1:20 except for Wednesdays. 

Make sure they wear appropriate shoes. They will be outside as often as the weather allows it.

Water Bottles: Please write your child's name on their water bottle. 

Sweaters/jackets: Please write your child's name on them as well. By lunch recess, they come off and get forgotten.

Weekly Learning Goals: 

We will be working on routines, community building and learning stamina. 


Read to Self: Students will learn how to read quietly in class. This eventually is an activity during stations. We will work on stamina and finding good spots to read. 

Fundations:  Review handwriitng, and diagraphs. Diagraphs are letter combinations that make one sound: ck. wh, th, 

Social Studies: We will create a flip book about our world. First page is my room and my street. Students should learn their street name and number. 

SEL: We will continue our discussion of emotions, school rules which are now: Safe, Kind and Helpful. We will also create a anchor chart about class norms, our hopes and dreams for 2nd grade, and teacher jobs versus student's job. 


sound of week: "ch" (=sh)

'other': /

Focus: writing "j'ai"

Writing /Reading: a book using "j'ai"

Grammar: capital/period while writing a sentence

Math: U6: place value

Mental strategy/number talk strategy

Art: collaborative project


Week of 9/11 -9/15:

Red Class will start in Mme Kim class.

Blue class will start in Mme Sion class.

Snacks:  We will have 2 snacks during the day. The 2nd snack can be a finish your lunch snack. Please make sure your snacks are nut-free. We eat our snacks after recess.

PE: The students have PE daily from 12:50-1:20 except for Wednesdays

Make sure they wear appropriate shoes. They will be outside as often as the weather allows it.

Water Bottles: Please write your child's name on their water bottle. 

Sweaters/jackets: Please write your child's name on them as well. By lunch recess, they come off and get forgotten.

Weekly Learning Goals: 

We will be working on routines, community building and learning stamina. 


Read to Self: Students will learn how to read quietly in class. This eventually is an activity during stations. We will work on stamina and finding good spots to read. 

Fundations:  Review handwriitng, and diagraphs. Diagraphs are letter combinations that make one sound: ck. wh, th, 

Social Studies: We will create a flip book about our world. First page is my room and my street. Students should learn their street name and number. 

SEL: We will continue our discussion of emotions, school rules which are now: Safe, Kind and Helpful. We will also create a anchor chart about class norms, our hopes and dreams for 2nd grade, and teacher jobs versus student's job. 


sound of week: 



Writing /Reading



Mental strategy/number talk strategy

