
Serving and protecting students in temporary housing

If you have or know a student who you think is eligible, please fill out this referral form.

Did you know?

Students experiencing housing disruptions, living in temporary housing, or experiencing homelessness have additional educational rights and protections under the McKinney-Vento Act.

You may be Eligible if you are:

  • Living in a hotel or motel.

  • Staying in a shelter or transitional housing.

  • Living in a car, RV, or camping outside.

  • Staying at someone else’s home due to an economic or other such hardship.

  • Staying in a house that lacks water, electricity, heat, or is over-crowded.

  • Couch-surfing – with or without parents/guardians.

  • Students who are not with a parent/guardian and in the above living situations are also eligible.

Eligible students have the right:

  • To remain in their school of origin even when they move around.

  • To expedited enrollment in eligible schools even without complete documentation.

  • To transportation support to maintain school stability.

  • To free school meals programs.

  • To full participation in school programs and services for which they are otherwise eligible.

McKinney-Vento liaisons provide support to eligible students and families by:

  • Assisting with enrollment.

  • School transportation support (pending availability).

  • Providing school supplies and other supplies as available.

  • Providing referrals to school and community services to meet basic and other needs.

  • Problem-solving barriers to school attendance and participation and advocating to remove barriers.

  • Assist unaccompanied youth with the FAFSA.

Local Resources


Eugene Mission


First Place Family Shelter


Looking Glass Station 7


24/7 Help Line: 1-888-689-3111

Serves youth ages 11-17

Hope & Safety Alliance


24-hour Crisis Line: 541-485-6513 or 800-281-2800

St. Vincent De Paul Youth House

(541) 342-7728

Serves female youth ages 16-18.

Basic Needs

Catholic Community Services


Eugene Mission


Food for Lane County


Oregon Health Plan

1-800-699-9075 or 711 (TTY)

SNAP Food benefits

1-800-699-9075 or 711 (TTY)


Call 541-687-4000 or toll-free at 1-800-422-7558.

15th Night

Call or text 541-246-4046

Contact Jennifer Volem or Kristine Craft for more information at 541-790-6888