Affinity Groups


The primary purpose of Eugene School District 4J’s affinity groups is to provide time and space for students of shared affinities from our school communities to come together in an environment where they make up the majority. In addition, affinity groups help students develop healthy self-identity and build networks both within and beyond the group through sharing experiences and belonging strategies. A staff member/s at each school facilitates each affinity group while district program coordinators support each school-based program.

Asian, Pacific Islander Student Union Affinity Group (APISU) is for Asian or Pacific Island students or biracial and multiracial heritage.

Program Coordinator: Jene Conrad

Black Student Union Affinity Group (BSU) is for African American or biracial and multiracial students and their allies.

Program Coordinator: Spencer Wilson

Gender Sexuality Alliance Affinity Group (GSA) is for students interested in advancing inclusivity in the LGBTQ school community. It is an alliance group, meaning people of all identities are welcome to attend.

Program Coordinator: Lisa Kinser-Wehr

Latinx Student Union Affinity Group (LSU) is for Latinx/Hispanic or biracial and multiracial heritage students.

Program Coordinator: TBD

Native American Student Union Affinity Group (NASU) is for Native American or biracial and multiracial students.

Program Coordinator: PJ Martinez

If you have questions regarding an affinity group, please contact the program coordinator.

Hygge tutoring

Hygge Tutoring is now providing free tutoring sessions for BIPOC and low-income students. Tutors are available for students who are in Pre-K to 9th grade. The mission at Hygge Tutoring is to close the gap of inequity regarding education. It's important that every student has access to equitable education and a student's potential for success should never be wasted over financial or systemic barriers. Even if you are not BIPOC or qualify as a low-income student, you can still sign up for our services. For now, our one on one tutoring sessions are hosted via Zoom to maintain social distancing

Please use this document to find organizations within Lane County that support youth.

Lane County Organizations Supporting Youth