Family support services

Connecting, problem-solving, advocating

The goal of Family support services is to ensure marginalized and underserved families receive equal access to resources, advocacy, mentoring, and learning opportunities.

Family support services provides on-the-ground services to families such as a clothing closet, food pantry, and immediate response to basic needs.

Services for Students & Families:

  • Access to food.

  • District and community advocacy.

  • Parent support/Leadership groups.

  • Healthy cooking/Nutrition classes.

  • Cultural events.

  • Assisting newcomers and families with language and cultural barriers in navigating the US educational system.

  • Early learning groups (0-5 yrs).

  • Clothing closet.

  • Providing school supplies and other supplies as available.

  • Providing referrals to school and community services to meet basic and other needs.

  • Problem-solving barriers to school attendance and participation and advocating to remove barriers.

  • Bilingual and cultural events.

Services for Schools:

  • Enrollment support.

  • Liaison between families that face barriers and schools.

  • Cultural and linguistic support services for district programs.

Family Support Services Referral Form

Please use this referral form for any student/family who you believe would benefit from services.

The 4J Welcome Center

The 4J Family Welcome Center serves as a bilingual/ bicultural liaison between the district, schools, and families while maintaining cultural awareness, respect, and dignity.

The vision is to connect families to community resources, assist with basic needs, and assess and evaluate academic placement.

The mission of the welcome center is to serve marginalized and underserved 4J families and assist them with navigating the educational system and accessing resources.

The goal is to have a one-stop center for families to enroll their children in 4J and provide support to schools.

Newcomer program

This program is in development but will work to assist Newcomers as they navigate the US education system.

Bilingual and Cultural Events

Raising a Reader

1x a week on Wednesday for an 1 hour

8 weeks long

Only available in Spanish

Contact Alicia Longoria for more information

District Family Support Services Operations Coordinator: Vanessa Vasquez