8th Grade scheduling

2024-2025 Scheduling Presentation

Click through this presentation for instructions on inputting schedule requests for next year:

Gelinas 7-8 Scheduling Slideshow

Middle School/Junior High School Requirements

All students who did NOT take the following courses in 7th Grade will be registered in 8th Grade:

Art 7/8


Music (Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Music I)

All students will be registered for the following courses in 8th Grade:

Home & Careers


World Language (Spanish, Italian, French)

Students who have not taken a World Language in 7th Grade may register for:

- Intro to Spanish in 8th Grade

- ASL in 9th Grade

- Spanish I or ASL in 10th Grade

8th Grade Electives

Click the drop down arrow to read course descriptions.

Creative Studio

Come explore your favorite art media. Work with two-dimensional and three-dimensional art forms such as drawing and painting, printmaking, photography, design and sculpture! You will be introduced to the types of art classes offered at the 9th grade level and begin to make career connections. Explore your individual artistic style and become a part of an exciting creative team. This course may be alternating days for a full year or every other day for a half year.

This course does NOT meet the middle school/junior high school state requirement for Art. This is a full year elective that meets alternating days.

Farm to School

This course is designed to introduce students to basic concepts related to maintaining and growing a garden for food production. Through participation in garden based activities, students will learn about the agricultural science concepts, as well as the care and management of a garden. Students will explore food production, gaining an understanding as to the source of the products we consume. Students will apply the principles of sustainable organic farming practices while taking advantage of our greenhouse and available resources off-campus. Connections will be made with local farmers and industries that supply food to our community.

This is a full year elective that meets on alternating days.

Introduction to Computer Programming

This course will focus on core computer science concepts, problem-solving, design and programming.  Regardless of your experience, introduction to coding will help you gain a better understanding of the computerized world around you.  Topics in the course may include the following programming languages:  Scratch, TI-Basic, Python, and HTML.

This is a full year elective that meets on alternating days.

Music II

Music II will build on the skills aquired in Music I and will take students to a further level of sophistication. The course will include more developed projects in composition and electronic music. Students enrolled in Music II must have taken and completed Music I and obtained the music teacher's recommendation.

This is a full year elective that meets on alternating days.

Natural Disasters

Students will be introduced to the destructive forces of nature and the impact they have on humans. The focus of this course will be to introduce students to the various geological, meteorological, and astronomical disasters that mankind faces today. Topics will include, but are not limited to: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding, avalanches, tornadoes, hurricanes, severe thunderstorms/lightning, meteor and asteroid impacts, mudslides, droughts, and pollution.

This is a full year elective that meets on alternating days.

Science Research I

This course is for students who have not already taken Science Research I in grade 7.

This course is an exploratory course designed to nurture students who are intellectually curious about scientific processes and observable phenomena. Students will be introduced to the skills essential to science including experimental design, effective use of technology, meeting of deadlines, ethics, data analysis, and communication skills. Students will be encouraged to explore topics and ideas that interest them and focus on taking one long-term project from inception to presentation. The course will also provide opportunities for students to learn about the local, regional, and national science competitions (including Science Olympiad and Science Bowl). Students will be evaluated on both the process and results of their efforts on projects and research.

This is a full year elective that meets on alternating days.

Science Research II

This course is for students who have already taken Science Research I in grade 7.

Science Research II is designed for motivated students who have had experience in science research and desire to pursue it further in this STREAM (Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Art, Math) based course. Various scientific themes will be explored in this course such as: the Environment of Long Island (water, soil, air, eDNA testing); exploring current science issues; testing of various consumer products; construction and analysis of equipment for experiments; in addition to many others. Students will be encouraged to explore topics and ideas that interest them and will focus on taking one long-term project from inception to presentation. The course will also provide opportunities for students to engage in local, regional, and national science competitions (including Science Olympiad and Science Bowl). Students will be evaluated on both the process and results of their efforts.

This course will earn 1/2 high school credit.

This is a full year elective that meets on alternating days.

Please Note:

Staff assignments, budget revisions, scheduling of state-mandated curricula, and/or course scheduling conflicts may limit the availability of certain elective courses or programs

Example Schedule

Please note this is not the actual order of your final schedule

Regents Science Track

Period 1: English 8 (Full Year)

Period 2: Social Studies 8 (Full Year)

Period 3: Math 8 or Algebra I (Full Year)

Period 4: World Language (Full Year)

Period 5: Home & Careers (Semester) / Technology (Semester)

Period 6: Lunch

Period 7: Science 8 (Full Year)

Period 8: PE (A or B Day) / Open* (A or B Day)

Period 9: Open* (A or B Day) / Open* (A or B Day)

Honors Science Track

Period 1: English 8 (Full Year)

Period 2: Social Studies 8 (Full Year)

Period 3: Math 8 or Algebra I (Full Year)

Period 4: World Language (Full Year)

Period 5: Home & Careers (Semester) / Technology (Semester)

Period 6: Lunch

Period 7: Earth Science (Full Year)

Period 8: PE (A or B Day) / Earth Science Lab (A or B Day)

Period 9: Open* (A or B Day) / Open* (A or B Day)

*Please take into account music performance classes or scheduled academic support services when determining available space for elective courses. Any space not filled with an elective course will be automatically filled with a study hall.