7th Grade scheduling

The criteria to be considered for the Honor's programs in English, Social Studies, Science, and Math include but will not be limited to:

Placements will be made once the criteria and scores have been reviewed by building administration.

Middle School/Junior High School Requirements

All students will be registered for the following courses in either 7th Grade or 8th Grade:

Art 7/8


Music (Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Music I)

All students will be registered for the following courses in both 7th Grade and 8th Grade:

Home & Careers


World Language (Spanish, Italian, French)

Students who do not take a World Language in 7th Grade may register for:

- Intro to Spanish in 8th Grade

- ASL in 9th Grade

- Spanish I or ASL in 10th Grade

Music in 7th Grade

Students who have participated in two ensembles in elementary school may choose to continue in one or both groups in junior high school. When continuing with more than one ensemble, the instrumental classes (Band/Orchestra) will be scheduled first. Chorus will need to be selected on the scheduling form as an additional music class.

Students who do not participate in Band, Orchestra, or Chorus will be scheduled for Music I (a non-performance based music class).

7th Grade Electives

Students have the opportunity to choose an elective course and defer Art to Grade 8

Click the drop down arrow to read course descriptions.

Science Research I

This course is an exploratory course designed to nurture students who are intellectually curious about scientific processes and observable phenomena. Students will be introduced to the skills essential to science including experimental design, effective use of technology, meeting of deadlines, ethics, data analysis, and communication skills. Students will be encouraged to explore topics and ideas that interest them and focus on taking one long-term project from inception to presentation. The course will also provide opportunities for students to learn about the local, regional, and national science competitions (including Science Olympiad and Science Bowl). Students will be evaluated on both the process and results of their efforts on projects and research.

This is a full year elective that meets on alternating days.

Please Note:

Staff assignments, budget revisions, scheduling of state-mandated curricula, and/or course scheduling conflicts may limit the availability of certain elective courses or programs

Example Schedule

Please note this is not the actual order of your final schedule

Period 1: English 7 (Full Year)

Period 2: Social Studies 7 (Full Year)

Period 3: Math 7 (Full Year)

Period 4: Science 7 (Full Year)

Period 5: Lunch

Period 6: Introduction to World Language (Full Year)

Period 7: Home & Careers (Semester) / Technology (Semester)

Period 8: PE (A or B Day) / Art* (A or B Day)

Period 9: Health* (A or B Day) / Music* (A or B Day)

*Please take into account scheduled academic support services when determining available space for elective courses.