Strategic Consultation

Advising on a platform feature, design proposal, or other project where pedagogical or design expertise is needed.

In a Nutshell

GOAL/ To apply the team's expertise in learning science, experience design, and learning outcomes to pressing questions in a variety of domains.
TIME/ 1 - 3 weeks, on average, though timing varies widely.
OUTPUT/ Variable, but will usually range from a short verbal brainstorm to a targeted recommendations memo.


Our strategic consultations provide cursory, informed insights into questions related to learning and pedagogy, offering a condensed insight into our broader capabilities. While these discussions serve as brief engagements, they may provide a foundation for larger deliverables like White Papers. Leveraging our expertise in learning science, experience design, and proficiency in achieving learning outcomes, we offer practical insights across diverse domains. These consultations serve as an effective entry point for those seeking timely, expert guidance and can potentially evolve into more comprehensive collaborations.

1/ Is the question related to learning and pedagogy?

2/ Would additional grounding in pedagogical research and insight help key stakeholders make a more informed decision?


1/ Kick-Off


Any team at 2U / edX is invited to submit a project request for a strategic consult by posing an ask or question. The process usually begins with a short scoping exercise, involving a quick chat or email exchange to identify needs. This initial engagement helps set the stage for the subsequent phases of the consultation. Depending on the nature of the question, additional research, fact-finding, or networking may be required before progressing further.

2/ Research


With the clarified question in hand, the team then enters the research phase. Thorough research is conducted, drawing on existing resources such as the Library and prior deliverables. This can be done independently or collaboratively, depending on the nature of the question.

3/ Delivery


The culmination of the strategic consultation involves delivering the findings through a quick meeting to discuss findings and answer any additional questions that may arise. Given the ask, our team may also deliver findings through a presentation, video walkthrough, or other channel best suited for the question at hand.


Strategic consultations are quick and lightweight by nature. Most do not involve detailed deliverables. Examples of recent strategic consultations include:

OUTPUT EXAMPLES/ Please note: Most links will be restricted to 2U / edX employees due to partner confidentiality. These are designated with an asterisk (*).


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