Water & healthy and sustainable food

Water and healthy and sustainable food are two very up-to-date topics that are part of students’ curriculum in different levels. Several subjects will be involved such as: Geography, Biology, Science, Mathematics, English, ICT and citizenship.

Before the meeting students from the different partner schools will do some research work and carry out activities on the topic “virtual water and water footprint” in order to find out the meaning of these concepts and to be aware of this problem and the impact it has on our planet and our lives. Based on the data collected and studied in each partner school, during the meeting students will form mixed groups (one student from each country) and share the information they have on the topic. Then they will be challenged to discuss and present solutions to decrease the impact of this problem and to design a campaign to disseminate their suggestions and promote responsible attitudes towards this issue.

There will be a school trip to a pedestrian trail by a stream that has been recovered and is now protected. This was a step to fight climate change and enhance biodiversity.

Students involved in the project will attend a lecture and a workshop on healthy sustainable food.

In groups students will write healthy recipes to be part of a recipe e-book.

There will be a school trip to a biological farm and natural park, “Quinta do Pisão”, characterized by a mosaic of extremely rich vegetation, corresponding to a significant diversity of habitats representative of the ecology of this area.

Activity: A survey about water usage

  • Students were asked questions about their water consumption habits in order to make them reflect on the way they use water to raise awareness about the need of a sustainable behaviour.

  • They prepared a presentation showing the results.

  • They presented the results to students from the partner countries.

  • They compared results.

Activity: Debate on virtual water and water footprint: sharing information and discussing.

Designing a campaign to disseminate students' suggestions and to promote responsible attitudes

Students discussed the results of the questionnaires and in groups (one member per country) they designed a campaign to disseminate their suggestions (posters, a song, infographics, …)

“Footprint” concept.pdf

Activity: Water footprint game (in Water Footprint Network, abridged and adapted)

Through this game students become aware of the fact that much water is needed to produce food. So we need to have a responsible attitude when we buy products to cook and eat.

  • Students formed groups and had to choose a menu for lunch that used products with a low water footprint

  • Students presented and compared their menus

  • The group of students whose menu used the least amount of water won

Cultural activities:

  • Trip to a pedestrian trail "Ribeira das Vinhas"

  • Visit to “Quinta do Pisão”. School trip to a biological farm and natural park. This visit aims at raising awareness of the local consumption and sustainably produced agricultural products.

  • Visit to Lisbon. Partner schools have the opportunity to know Lisbon cultural heritage

Visitas de estudo_alcabideche.pdf


Workshop on Healthy Sustainable Food

The aim is to enhance young people's awareness of the importance of making healthy and sustainable food choices.

Part 1: students attended a lecture on the importance of the Mediterranean diet and of healthy eating: a way of combining body and social emotional wellness.

Part 2: students formed groups and prepared healthy menus. They were asked to use their imagination and creativity.

Apresentação_Erasmus+ (1)_girat.pdf

Social and cultural activity: healthy dinner (students, teachers and families) and music performance

It was a socialization moment among students, teachers and families while they had a healthy meal together

After dinner there were singing and dancing moments performed by students


Activity: Students’ presentation of the campaigns designed on the first day

In turn the different groups presented their campaigns. One of the groups wrote (lyrics and music) to transmit their message.
